lady orchid

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Related to lady orchid: Orchis simia

lady orchid

(Plants) a tall graceful orchid, Orchis purpurea, with faintly scented purple-brown and green flowers with a pinkish or white lip
[C19: named from a fancied resemblance to a lady in regency dress and bonnet]
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References in periodicals archive ?
The lady orchid, yes, you guessed it, has flowers resembling a figure wearing a billowing gown and the man orchid advertises itself with tiny stick figures.
The bee orchid (main), the lady orchid (left) and the ghost orchid (right).
Er enghraifft mae tegeirian y pry copyn cynnar (Ophrys fuciflora; early spider orchid), tegeirian y gwer (Aceras anthropophorum; man orchid) a'r tegeirian ysblennydd (Orchis purpurea; lady orchid) i gyd yn tyfu ar laswelltiroedd sydd ar y garreg galch.
Oncidium orchids are also called 'dancing lady orchids' for their elegant looks that resemble dancing ladies.
The blooming dancing lady orchids glitter in the sun and create the dreamy ambiance of a golden fairyland.
The farm also plants an abundance of dancing lady orchids that distract pests away from the produce.