Lady Mass

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a Mass said in honor of the Virgin Mary.

See also: Lady

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Most memorable had to the the Byrd Propers for Lady Mass in Advent: a fusion of joy, anticipation and, occasionally, melancholy.
Both Masses are small-scale works, often syllabic, and were surely written either for a lesser feast (or perhaps feria) or, like Nicholas Ludford's three-part settings, for the Lady Mass. The Mass Pater creator omnium has been dated to the mid-1540s, late in Carver's career.
Caldwell presents full evidence for two distinct versions of Thomas Tallis's second, masterful setting of the Lady Mass offertory Felix namque, including printing extended variants and alternate readings.
There was, however, a chantry at Old Radnor for the daily Lady Mass and Office supporting one priest and valued at 7 [pounds sterling] 8s in 1548 (transcript of the certificate in J.
He also hypothesizes about performance practice: "Was there a tradition at Antwerp of singing Lady Masses with expanded choral forces?" Mensuration signs and parts of the work that were left incomplete are also noted.