knowledge-based system

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knowledge-based system

(Computer Science) computing an expert system. Abbreviation: KBS
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The fact of the matter is we deal with two paradigms; the traditional knowledge system and the modern or western knowledge-based system. And this has led to a state of mental schizophrenia, where we are bombarded with cultural impositions from the West and other blocks, such that we have lost the sense to recognise that which is real, and this inability is what has caused this loss of identity.
"The second area is that India is a knowledge base society and the UAE wants to be a part of our knowledge-based system. Thirdly, more than three million people are working in UAE and we agreed to re-skill and up-skill them according to the need of the time," Pradhan added.
It is righty said that British education is lifting the knowledge-based system in the UAE, and dedicated schools have a robust role in furthering knowledge and language proficiency.
Therefore, its operation reliability is very important, which can be improved with online transformer condition monitoring and fault diagnosis using a dedicated knowledge-based system.
It uses a industry-specific, knowledge-based system engine that processes user queries and provides answers using interactive visualizations that replaces confusing spreadsheets and complex systems.
This initial classification is then provided, as input, to the knowledge-based system in charge of rationalizing the recognized actions.
Similarly, utilization of technology is an important component of a knowledge-based system. Learning systems must provide these learning and organizational structures." He said that being able to judge the validity and utility of information, people using the Web must acquire digital literacy, which means that they have to learn how to validate the information that they accept and use.
Knowledge-Based System Model to Support Diabetes Research and Clinical Process
This paper proposes an expert knowledge-based system that contains the fuzzy algorithm in a simple rule-base.
Proposing an architectural framework of hybrid knowledge-based system for production rescheduling.

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