Known quantities

Also found in: Idioms.
Related to Known quantities: unknown quantity
(Math.) quantities whose values are given.

See also: Quantity

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
As opposed to the direct polling of the national and provincial assemblies, we're dealing with known quantities here, not the tempestuous mood of the teeming millions, which might, at times, throw out of the way the most astute-sounding of predictions.
"A lot of characters are known quantities. Even Supergirl, to a certain extent, is someone that you know because there are so many comic books and so many backstories with her.
"It could well be that Ronald has seen the player as well, so it's a collective decision at the end of the day." But maybe this summer is more about Koeman convincing Walsh that it's time to pursue the known quantities in the transfer market, not the unknown ones.
Of course, known quantities hold much more licensing potential than unproven concepts.
And once Keane took full control, he wasted no time in bringing in reinforcements - and the rookie manager went for known quantities, with all of his deadline-day signings former team-mates of his at either Man U, Celtic or with the Republic of Ireland.
Using an ink-jet-printed array of known quantities of drugs, researchers calibrated their spectroscopy techniques to measure specks of the chemicals.
Two more of Sunderland's transfer targets fit the same criteria and are also known quantities in so far as they spent time on Wearside last term.
Internal candidates are known quantities that have a history with your company.
Keep Facebook as a place for friends and family and businesses (or other known quantities) that you like, and you should be able to stay safe.
Under those circumstances, incumbents, as known quantities, have a decisive edge.
For their study, Metrics scientists presented known quantities of API to participants and asked them to identify the color of samples using visual appearance alone while following standard pharmaceutical industry practice - viewing API against a white background under laboratory lighting.