

Friendly, informal, and unpretentious: "the essence of this small-town state is a friendly, trusting, just-folks way of dealing with one another" (T.R. Reid).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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But, Arci should start diversifying and realize that there's more to kookiness than the 'drunken candor' and just-folks acting style she utilizes too often as a crutch to win viewers over.
Jacobson, whose producing endeavors also include the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" films and the underperformer "One Day," starring Anne Hathaway, appreciates the "just-folks" side of Lawrence--and Jacobson has worked with a lot of A-list stars during her years as a studio executive.
The movie's just-folks vibe is accentuated by Wojahn's jittery videography and bumpy sound mix; shot on a consumer-model camcorder, his is a film that's unprofessional--and unpretentious--in the best way possible.
While we can quibble with some of the players over the years, he's a comfortable fixture on the way home and a marketing genius with his just-folks demeanor that always comes across as sincere.
To date, Edwards is the only Southerner in the race, and he has just-folks charm like Clinton's.
A scaled-down amalgam of similar complexes in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, the sybaritic, four-story, white stucco-like structure looks a tad out of place amid its just-folks neighbors on the strip.
Armed with PowerPoint slides and his just-folks Midwestern drawl, he speaks at conferences of grocery manufacturers and seed companies, arguing that pharmacrops present an opportunity, not a danger, for the nation's breadbasket.
Alongside the recent "Scout's Honor," "Shades of Gray" provides the kind of reassuring, just-folks take on gay rights activism that's most likely to change Moral Majority mindsets.
Just-folks. Dressed in a casual shirt and sweater, no tie.
It's Erin's just-folks personality that persuades the sick residents of Hinkley, California, to stand up for their kids and fight the power (company), and her pluck (see also: ample cleavage) that leads them to victory in their class-action suit.
Just thinking about the next campaign--the fawning magazine profiles, the endless photos of the candidate modeling his collection of expressions (sincere, resolute, compassionate, just-folks), the fauxjudicious editorials full of friendly policy advice--makes me want to retire to the country and raise cats.