jus naturale

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Related to jus naturale: jus gentium

jus naturale

1. (Law) (originally) a system of law based on fundamental ideas of right and wrong; natural law
2. (Law) (in later usage) another term for jus gentium
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The above is an example of a reasoning based on jus naturale. I would not entirely agree with the author that it provides "the theological justification of the usury ban" (155).
concepts of natural law and natural reason, jus naturale and naturale
Ulpiano, por sua vez, acrescenta um terceiro termo a essa divisao das fontes: jus naturale. Sua exposicao principia por este nome, o qual compreende as funcoes vitais mais elementares--a uniao dos sexos, a procriacao, a educacao da prole--que a natureza reserva a todos os seres vivos, humanos ou animais.
Jus Naturale (natural law) was essentially a philosophical concept that originated in Greece.