internal resistance

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internal resistance

(General Physics) physics the resistance of a cell, accumulator, etc, usually given as (E-V)/I, where E is the emf of the cell, and V the potential difference between terminals when it is delivering a current I
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References in classic literature ?
The girl-friend (it was one of them) went past some way as though she had not seen me, then stopped and called the dog to her several times; but he only nestled closer to my side, and when I tried to push him away developed that remarkable power of internal resistance by which a dog makes himself practically immovable by anything short of a kick.
The prototype phase with the execution 1 had shown the fact that with the material combinations silicon and aluminum the useful results can be obtained with lower internal resistance and higher energy.
That allows technicians to adjust the internal resistance spring without having to change the scale.
Thompson of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver reports that a recent "fishing expedition" revealed a gene that coordinates the microbe's internal resistance against many different classes of antibiotics.
The reform of transfer and articulation policies and procedures takes effort because it often encounters internal resistance, but once the structural changes are in place, students and institutions benefit long term without any special programs or extra funding.
Basic battery evaluation needs essentially the study of the performance indices like Open circuit voltage, Short circuit current, Maximum power ([P.sub.max]), Internal resistance, Useful energy density, Time to reach cut off voltage etc.
Both tensile and shear strength, which are the measure of the PSA internal resistance to force, have only marginal effects on screenability.
As Greg Hochgesang noted, this process can be difficult, and the credit manager can face a lot of external and internal resistance.
And it was Arafat who led the PLO, in the face of fierce internal resistance, into adopting the two-state solution in the mid-1970s.
[23] for an earlier NIST bridge.) However, measurement errors arose that were sometimes as large as 18 parts in [10.sup.6] under "proper" 4TP balance conditions using different internal resistance values of the combining network when measuring 10:1 resistance ratios.
While the articles in this section reveal several forms of internal resistance to attackers, two essays that are worthy of note because of their unique contributions include "Lacustrine Villages in South Benin as Refuges from the Slave Trade" by Elisee Soumonni and "Slave-Raiding and Defensive Systems South of Lake Chad from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century" by Thierno Mouctar Bah.
Lithium batteries undergo little change in their internal resistance over time, and therefore deliver stable discharge voltage.

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