intelligence summary

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intelligence summary

A specific report providing a summary of items of intelligence at frequent intervals. Also called INTSUM. See also intelligence.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
13 ( ANI ): A new wave of advanced persistent threat (APT) activities were discovered during the first three months of 2018 in Asia and the Middle East, as per Kaspersky Lab's latest quarterly threat intelligence summary.
The intelligence summary, cited by Secretary of State John Kerry in a televised briefing at the State Department, contained by far the most specific contentions the administration has publicly made in arguing that the Syrian government had crossed a threshold of intolerable behavior in its effort to defeat insurgents in the civil war, justifying an international military response.
The intelligence summary named nuclear scientists Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Majid Shahriari and Fereidoun Abbasi as key players in developing the computer diagrams, adding that Shahriari and Abbasi were involved in the Parchin testing.
The intelligence summary named nuclear scientists Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Majid Shahriari and Fereydun Abbasi-Davani as key figures in developing the computer charts.
According to the Post, Tenet sent a written intelligence summary to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice on June 28, stating: "It is highly likely that a significant al Qaeda attack is in the near future, within several weeks." A senior political appointee told the Washington Post that Tenet had repeated this so often that people got tired of hearing it.
Sources are cited for each intelligence entry, and the product--a criminal intelligence summary (CRIM INSUM)--is generated and disseminated each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
The task force meets 11 times per year and distributes an intelligence summary at each meeting.
The lawyers for the family of Bloody Sunday victim Jim Wray claimed _ a fictional intelligence summary circulated as an example of what was proposed had caused consternation among the people of Derry.
* Update the company intelligence summary. The 541st created a product--updated nightly--that showed all activity and spot reports in Logar Province for the previous 49 days.
A military intelligence summary reported frustration that Hamas fighters had retreated into the centre of the strip's cities to avoid confrontation with Israeli forces.
INTSUM is the intelligence summary, a rehash of nightly enemy activity or intelligence; RPGs are rocket-propelled grenades.

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