intelligence estimate

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intelligence estimate

The appraisal, expressed in writing or orally, of available intelligence relating to a specific situation or condition with a view to determining the courses of action open to the enemy or potential enemy and the order of probability of their adoption.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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A common mistake for intelligence planners is failing to build both an intelligence estimate and an intelligence running estimate (one of the staff section estimates developed in accordance with FM 6-0).
At other times it is a National Intelligence Estimate, whose purpose is to provide an overall assessment of a major issue--such as North Korea's nuclear bomb program or the rapid growth of Africa's middle class--along with a prediction of its future course.
The National Intelligence Estimate also predicts that Afghanistan will quickly fall into chaos if Washington and Kabul fail to sign a security pact to keep an international military contingent there beyond 2014, the newspaper said.
Nevertheless, this crucial intelligence estimate still concluded that "Soviet policy remains fundamentally unaltered." For the fourth time in nine months, a national intelligence estimate asserted that Soviet activities in Cuba were meant to deter an American attack there and sustain a vital ideological victory for the communist cause.
Those of a hawkish political bent will see the latest National Intelligence Estimate as evidence that the 2014 deadline for withdrawal is ill-advised and that our military commitment to Afghanistan should be open-ended.
(7) National Intelligence Council, National Intelligence Estimate:
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran was "essentially complete" but that it was unclear if any of it would be made public after going to the president.
There was no question that some of the activities had advanced during that time, he said, adding: "There is also a new national intelligence estimate (NIE) being developed by our intelligence community in the United States.
National Intelligence Estimate, or NIE, that Iran is "technically capable" of producing enough highly enriched uranium for a weapon in the "next few years, if it chooses to do so."
Analysts from across the American intelligence community have been finalising a revised national intelligence estimate (NIE) that was expected to bring the United States more into line with its European allies about the state of Iran's nuclear programme.
German, French and British intelligence agencies have all disputed the conclusions of the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate, or NIE, in recent months, the Journal said, citing European officials briefed on the exchanges.
The US published this judgment in a National Intelligence Estimate in 2007 amid claims that the CIA was scarred by its errors over Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programme.

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