incumbent on

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Related to incumbent on: incumbent upon
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.incumbent on - morally binding or necessary; "it is incumbent on me to attend"
obligatory - morally or legally constraining or binding; "attendance is obligatory"; "an obligatory contribution"
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References in classic literature ?
Besides, there would be another inconvenience attending this proposal, for what is common to many is taken least care of; for all men regard more what is their own than what others share with them in, to which they pay less attention than is incumbent on every one: let me add also, that every one is more negligent of what another is to see to, as well as himself, than of his own private business; as in a family one is often worse served by many servants than by a few.
Craig had felt it incumbent on them to represent "the family" at the Chase on the occasion.
Of course, while we drank our beer, which I had paid for, it was incumbent on him to listen to me and to talk to me.