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 (ĭn-kŭl′kāt′, ĭn′kŭl-)
tr.v. in·cul·cat·ed, in·cul·cat·ing, in·cul·cates
1. To impress (something) upon the mind of another by frequent instruction or repetition; instill: inculcating sound principles.
2. To teach (others) by frequent instruction or repetition; indoctrinate: inculcate the young with a sense of duty.

[Latin inculcāre, inculcāt-, to force upon : in-, on; see in-2 + calcāre, to trample (from calx, calc-, heel).]

in′cul·ca′tion n.
in·cul′ca′tor n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The university played a critical role in the formation of the modern nation-state and enjoyed a special relationship that "linked [it] to the destiny of the nation-state by virtue of its role as producer, protector, and inculcator of an idea of national culture" (Readings, 1996, p.
Church and Sedlak wrote that "the strand it chose to emphasize, moreover, was the narrowest, most easily codifiable, least crucial to redefining the nature of the relation between teacher and taught, and most easily separated from Pestalozzi's vision of the school as an inculcator of moral values" (Church and Sedlak 1976, 104).
In many ways, the most effective deployment of Ark's minimal means appears in a layout and article by painter Richard Smith entitled "Man and He-man." One close-valued, monochrome illustration anticipates to compelling visual effect Warhol's fundamental principal of repetition, multiplying a single image of a man in formal dress with rolled umbrella (by the look of him an Eton College master, an inculcator of upper-class codes; the photograph is credited to Bisley).
(59) Just as nationalists targeted the Polish mother as the inculcator of national values, so too the Church viewed women in their maternal capacity as preservers and nurturers of religion in the family and in the community.
by virtue of its role as producer, protector and inculcator of an idea of national culture'.