hold together

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hold together

vb (adverb)
1. to cohere or remain or cause to cohere or remain in one piece: your old coat holds together very well.
2. to stay or cause to stay united: the children held the family together.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
I was even accustomed to make an irruption into some houses, where I was well entertained, and after learning the kernels and very last sieveful of news -- what had subsided, the prospects of war and peace, and whether the world was likely to hold together much longer -- I was let out through the rear avenues, and so escaped to the woods again.
It was the one last improvement that enabled interdependent nations to handle themselves and to hold together.
Let us, then, all take hold together, with all our might, and see what we can do with this new enterprise, and the whole splendid continent of Africa opens before us and our children.
Briefly, Robert Elsmere, a priest of the Anglican Church, marries a very religious woman; there is the perfection of "mutual love"; at length he has doubts about "historic Christianity"; he gives up his orders; carries his learning, his fine intellect, his goodness, nay, his saintliness, into a kind of Unitarianism; the wife becomes more intolerant than ever; there is a long and faithful effort on both sides, eventually successful, on the part of these mentally [66] divided people, to hold together; ending with the hero's death, the genuine piety and resignation of which is the crowning touch in the author's able, learned, and thoroughly sincere apology for Robert Elsmere's position.
CANTERBURY, ENGLAND * In a lengthy interview in The Times of London, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby predicted that the Anglican Communion might not hold together because of strong disagreements on the ordination of women as bishops and full rights for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gender community.
The concrete masonry walls may not hold together when the stairs were cut.
These are the linchpins that hold together unwieldy sentences.
Injuries like Totti's can also tear the ligaments that hold together the fibula and the tibia, or the bone that extends from the knee to the ankle.
The electrostatic interactions that hold together the fiber break down in water.
Individual chapters trace their stories: accepting the constraints of womanhood, transcending base beginnings to become a hero, experiencing a mystic presence, trying to hold together a people and a tradition.
My disappointment with not being allowed to attend a conference, where I simply wanted to listen and seek to understand, leaves me with little hope that the Anglican community around the world can hold together in the face of such polarization.