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(in Australian Rules and Gaelic football) an instance of passing the ball by striking it with one hand while it is held in the other
to make such a pass
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"A handpass will keep you in trouble but a strike pass, that's what they did against us down in the Pairc the first day.
The next point was a beauty as Pat Kerwick flicked the ball over his head and between the posts after a sublime handpass from John O'Brien.
"They had a free man and the handpass came across, and I was just delighted to keep it out.
There was always a handpass, a proper way of handpassing and an improper way of handpassing.
Kerry star Murphy (right) said: "I would have been big time against the handpass so I was pleased when that was taken out.
Galway were on the Tyrone 45-yard line in the 48th minute when the hugely talented Michael Daly gave a 20-yard handpass backwards to Sean Andy O Cellaigh, who then gave a poor handpass backwards to Galway's goalkeeper Rory Lavelle.
After fielding a thirdstring selection in the O'Byrne Cup, Dublin were exposed to the four experimental rules for the first time in Clones and though Gavin (left) said he had "no particular issue" with the handpass limit which was abandoned, he questioned why they are being experimented with in the League only.
GAA president John Horan doesn't believe managers were the cause of the handpass limit being scrapped at the weekend.
Following Central Council's decision on Saturday, the handpass limit wasn't persisted with for Sunday's FBD Connacht League final, in which Roscommon scored a five-point win over Galway.
Approving the decision of Central Council after several managers had expressed frustration at the handpass restriction, Cunningham said: "It was the most difficult one.
You might say some of the others might add to the game but the three handpass one would be difficult enough to see working.