

a list containing some rough or brief details
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It is principally a hand-list of printed music books, arranged alphabetically by library of deposit (following the efficient sigla developed by the Repertoire international des sources musicales: so, GB-Llp denotes the Lambeth Palace Library in London and USA-Wc, the Library of Congress).
(8) Elisabeth Okasha, Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions (Cambridge U.
Good cheer (mixed with the occasional mild spice of disputes between friends) resonates throughout this volume as well, from the subtitle paraphrasing Guillaume Du Fay's rondeau for New Year's, Bon jour, bon mois, bon an et bonne estrine, evoking holiday best wishes (conveniently close to the honoree's December 20 birthday) that include "good gift" (although why this special festive present hearkening back to medieval times has the later French spelling estrenne, the modern etrenne, goes unexplained) to subtle allusions in article titles and elsewhere (e.g., Alden's Ung Petit cadeau, Dagmar Hoffrnann-Axthelm's David musicus, and the fortuitous number of sixty-five titles in Warwick Edwards's hand-list, pp.
There is also a supplementary hand-list of books printed before 1600 which were not included in the exhibition--a further 77 titles.
The final thirty pages of the catalogue provide an exceptionally valuable, illustrated and annotated hand-list of Spanish paintings in German public collections.
Housman: An Annotated Hand-List. His almost definitive collection of those works was sold to the Lilly Library at the University of Indiana in 1965.
Comparison with James is usually to the advantage of the Hand-list. James does not ignore such minor things as the 'scribbled note' at the end of MS B.5.18, and, in fact, there are slight differences in the transcription (letters i and y do not correspond exactly).
Our most popular column is "Recent Publications in Music," which had its beginnings in a hand-list circulated at the annual conference and which has now grown into a 150+-page list that has migrated from the printed page to the IAML website.
Bowen has also provided a useful appendix, includ ing a good hand-list of Gerhard's writings (though not listing all by their original titles) and a work list of Gerhard's compositions.
It includes a hand-list of selected musical first editions in the collection, most prominently from the nineteenth century.
She established that reputation in 1971 with her Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions, reviewed, as 'the standard authority' in Notes and Queries, ccxvi (1971), 305-8.
The collection only came with a hand-listed catalogue, which was incomplete, so the creation of an online catalogue was a priority.