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Related to hamerkop: Scopidae


(hăm′ər-kŏp′, hä′mər-) or ham·mer·kop (hăm′ər-)

[Afrikaans : hamer, hammer (from Middle Dutch) ; see ak- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots + kop, head (from Middle Dutch, cup, head, from Old Dutch, cup, ultimately from Late Latin cuppa, drinking vessel, cup; see cup).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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"There's a myth that if you kill a hamerkop, your house will be struck by lightning," muses Emmanuel as he paddles past the flat-headed bird resting on a fever tree.
"There's a myth that, if you kill a hamerkop, your house will be struck by lightning," muses Emmanuel as he paddles past the flat-headed bird resting on a fever tree.
"The groups now thought to be closest to pelicans, the shoebill and hamerkop, must also have differentiated very early," New Scientist quoted Louchart as saying.
Opvallend is byvoorbeeld die dubbelsinnige aanwending van motiewe soos die miere en suiker, glas: glaskamer en glasvaas, die hamerkop en hamerkopnes, Napoleon en die Napoleonborde, ram en bloed, water en die aaneenloop van generasies.
Gannets and Boobies; Cormorants; Anhingas; Pelicans; Screamers; Waterfowl; Magpie Goose; Flamingos; Herons; Egrets; Shoebill; Hamerkop; Ibis and Spoonbills; Storks; New World Vultures; Osprey; Hawks, Eagles and Kites.