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Related to Hamilton: Alexander Hamilton, Hamilton College


1. The capital of Bermuda, on Bermuda Island. Founded in 1790, it is an important tourist resort.
2. A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, at the western end of Lake Ontario southwest of Toronto. It grew as a port and industrial center.
3. A city of southwest Ohio north of Cincinnati. It was settled on the site of Fort Hamilton, built in 1791.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Placename) a port in central Canada, in S Ontario on Lake Ontario: iron and steel industry. Pop: 618 820 (2001)
2. (Placename) a city in New Zealand, on central North Island. Pop: 150 200 (2011 est)
3. (Placename) a town in S Scotland, in South Lanarkshire near Glasgow. Pop: 48 546 (2001)
4. (Placename) the capital and chief port of Bermuda. Pop: 3461 (2000)
5. (Placename) the former name of Churchill11


1. (Biography) Alexander. ?1757–1804, American statesman. He was a leader of the Federalists and as first secretary of the Treasury (1789–95) established a federal bank
2. (Biography) Lady Emma. ?1765–1815, mistress of Nelson
3. (Biography) James, 1st Duke of Hamilton. 1606–49, Scottish supporter of Charles I in the English Civil War: defeated by Cromwell at the Battle of Preston and executed
4. (Biography) Lewis (Carl). born 1985, English racing driver; Formula One world champion (2008)
5. (Biography) Richard. 1922–2011, British artist: a pioneer of the pop art style
6. (Biography) Sir William Rowan. 1805–65, Irish mathematician: founded Hamiltonian mechanics and formulated the theory of quaternions
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈhæm əl tən)

1. Alexander, 1757–1804, first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury 1789–97.
2. Edith, 1867–1963, U.S. classical scholar.
3. Lady Emma (Amy, or Emily, Lyon), 1765?–1815, mistress of Viscount Nelson.
4. former name of Churchill River.
5. Mount, a mountain in W California, near San Jose: site of Lick Observatory. 4209 ft. (1283 m).
6. a seaport in SE Ontario, in SE Canada, on Lake Ontario. 318,499.
7. a city on central North Island, in New Zealand. 156,000.
8. a city in S Scotland, SE of Glasgow. 51,529.
9. a city in SW Ohio. 65,550.
10. the capital of Bermuda. 3000.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Hamilton - Irish mathematician (1806-1865)
2.Hamilton - English beauty who was the mistress of Admiral Nelson (1765-1815)
3.Hamilton - United States toxicologist known for her work on industrial poisons (1869-1970)
4.Hamilton - United States statesman and leader of the FederalistsHamilton - United States statesman and leader of the Federalists; as the first Secretary of the Treasury he establish a federal bank; was mortally wounded in a duel with Aaron Burr (1755-1804)
5.Hamilton - a port city in southeastern Ontario at the western end of Lake Ontario
Ontario - a prosperous and industrialized province in central Canada
6.Hamilton - the capital of Bermuda
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Hamilton Fynes made his way quietly to the lower deck, which was almost deserted.
Hamilton Fynes showed no particular impatience to continue his journey.
"Hope Hamilton's there." Brissenden paused and rested his hands.
By the way, you remember Cooks' and Waiters' strike - Hamilton was the chap who organized that union and precipitated the strike - planned it all out in advance, right here in Kreis's rooms.
I told him with marked emphasis that I would see him and Hamilton hanged first, and requested him to con- duct me to my room with no more of his nonsense.
Hamilton," I said, and the miserable creature took himself off with a final groan.
Then suddenly came Master Freddie's voice, "Hamilton! My fren' will remain wiz me."
Hamilton, lemme interduce you--fren' the family--ole fren' the guv'ner's--works in the yards.
Miss Hamilton, now Mrs Smith, had shewn her kindness in one of those periods of her life when it had been most valuable.
Miss Hamilton had left school, had married not long afterwards, was said to have married a man of fortune, and this was all that Anne had known of her, till now that their governess's account brought her situation forward in a more decided but very different form.
Affectionately Dedicated to my young friend Sumner Hamilton Britton of Chicago
My father had sold his paper in Hamilton and had bought an interest in another at Dayton, and we were all straining our utmost to help pay for it.