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(Golf) golf
(Golf) (intr) to play golf
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Let's start with the gowf. A new report into the declining popularity of golf has suggested that new, quicker versions of the game need to be developed.
In Scottish the game, which involved using a club to hit balls across great distances, was called 'gowf' which is believed to be an alteration of the Dutch 'colf' or 'colve' meaning stick, club or bat.
Gale said: "I'd targeted a short par five on my home course, Louden Gowf, but it was actually during a Ladies Open competition at Pumpherston where it happened.
'Gowf' was well enough established in Scotland by 1457 to be officially forbidden because it interfered with practicing archery.
Scotland is widely recognised as the 'home of golf'; where the game as we know it today began way back in the 15th Century when 'gowf' was played on the links land between the sea and mainland.
The Lopes square first appeared on p 61 CYST GOWF BASH of the July/August MIT Technology OPAH UDAL RULY Review.
Eating fancy lunches or drinking posh plonk was obviously more important than watching the gowf.
Curiously, Carnoustie folk don't have a dialect that stands out like their neighbours in Arbroath or Dundee, but you had better know your golf or, as the locals call it "Gowf".
Upon entry the boys are crowded around the TV watching the gowf.
D MacDonald, Ardeer; H Cormack, Wick; Eric Allan, Loudoun Gowf; B Grieve, Hayston; C Nicholl, Thornton; A Duncan, Peebles; S Downie, Loudoun Gowf; Brian McGlinchey, Greenburn; James Dell, Beds and County; John Young, Carluke; K Stewart, Machrihanish; TomScott, Falkirk Tryst; J Train, Carluke; W Davies, Hayston; Martin Walsh, West Kilbride.
There's huge volatility on the markets on the back nine and if you have a Betfair account and a bit of gowf nous you can have a lot of fun.
My auld man, no a bad player himself, was teaching me, with the patience of Job, the rudimentary lessons of gowf. But before he sawed through his grandfaither's now priceless, but ultimately ruined, hickoryshafted Auchterlonie sticks, he taught me fundamental rules of golf etiquette, an education that would stand me in good stead far more than any half-assed English and Politics honours degree.