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gin 1

A strong colorless alcoholic beverage made by distilling or redistilling rye or other grain spirits and adding juniper berries and sometimes other flavorings such as anise, caraway seeds, or angelica root.

[Alteration of geneva, from Dutch jenever, from Middle Dutch geniver, juniper, from Old French geneivre, from Vulgar Latin *iiniperus, from Latin iūniperus.]

gin′ny adj.

gin 2

1. Any of several machines or devices, especially:
a. A machine for hoisting or moving heavy objects.
b. A pile driver.
c. A snare or trap for game.
d. A pump operated by a windmill.
2. A cotton gin.
tr.v. ginned, gin·ning, gins
1. To remove the seeds from (cotton) with a cotton gin.
2. To trap in a gin.
Phrasal Verb:
gin up
1. To create or produce; work up: "If we ever ginned up the courage to speak honestly about race, we might also open up unexpected avenues of racial healing" (Michael Eric Dyson).
2. To create or produce under false pretenses: "U.S. officials have asked their foreign counterparts to gin up a charge so that the United States can credibly claim it is rendering a suspect to face legal charges when it is really trying to gather information" (Daniel Byman).
3. To increase or make more active: gin up sales; gin up the economy.

[Middle English, from Old French, short for engin, skill; see engine.]

gin 3

Gin rummy.
Used to announce that one has won a game of gin rummy.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Brewing) an alcoholic drink obtained by distillation and rectification of the grain of malted barley, rye, or maize, flavoured with juniper berries
2. (Brewing) any of various grain spirits flavoured with other fruit or aromatic essences: sloe gin.
3. (Brewing) an alcoholic drink made from any rectified spirit
[C18: shortened from Dutch genever juniper, via Old French from Latin jūniperus juniper]


1. (Mechanical Engineering) a primitive engine in which a vertical shaft is turned by horses driving a horizontal beam or yoke in a circle
2. (Mechanical Engineering) Also called: cotton gin a machine of this type used for separating seeds from raw cotton
3. (Hunting) a trap for catching small mammals, consisting of a noose of thin strong wire
4. (Mechanical Engineering) a hand-operated hoist that consists of a drum winder turned by a crank
vb (tr) , gins, ginning or ginned
5. (Mechanical Engineering) to free (cotton) of seeds with a gin
6. (Hunting) to trap or snare (game) with a gin
[C13 gyn, shortened from engine]
ˈginner n


vb, gins, ginning, gan or gun
an archaic word for begin


Scot if
[perhaps related to gif, an earlier form of if]


offensive slang Austral an Aboriginal woman
[C19: from a native Australian language]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



an alcoholic liquor distilled or redistilled with juniper berries, orange peel, or other flavorings.
[1705–15; shortened from geneva]



n., v. ginned, gin•ning. n.
2. a trap or snare for game.
3. a machine employing simple tackle or windlass mechanisms for hoisting.
4. to clear (cotton) of seeds with a gin.
5. to snare (game).
[1150–1200; < Old French engin engine]
gin′ner, n.



1. Also called gin rummy. a variety of rummy for two players, sometimes played with knocking.
2. a gin hand in which the cards are matched in sets, winning extra points.
[1955–60; perhaps gin1]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: ginned
Gerund: ginning

I gin
you gin
he/she/it gins
we gin
you gin
they gin
I ginned
you ginned
he/she/it ginned
we ginned
you ginned
they ginned
Present Continuous
I am ginning
you are ginning
he/she/it is ginning
we are ginning
you are ginning
they are ginning
Present Perfect
I have ginned
you have ginned
he/she/it has ginned
we have ginned
you have ginned
they have ginned
Past Continuous
I was ginning
you were ginning
he/she/it was ginning
we were ginning
you were ginning
they were ginning
Past Perfect
I had ginned
you had ginned
he/she/it had ginned
we had ginned
you had ginned
they had ginned
I will gin
you will gin
he/she/it will gin
we will gin
you will gin
they will gin
Future Perfect
I will have ginned
you will have ginned
he/she/it will have ginned
we will have ginned
you will have ginned
they will have ginned
Future Continuous
I will be ginning
you will be ginning
he/she/it will be ginning
we will be ginning
you will be ginning
they will be ginning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been ginning
you have been ginning
he/she/it has been ginning
we have been ginning
you have been ginning
they have been ginning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been ginning
you will have been ginning
he/she/it will have been ginning
we will have been ginning
you will have been ginning
they will have been ginning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been ginning
you had been ginning
he/she/it had been ginning
we had been ginning
you had been ginning
they had been ginning
I would gin
you would gin
he/she/it would gin
we would gin
you would gin
they would gin
Past Conditional
I would have ginned
you would have ginned
he/she/it would have ginned
we would have ginned
you would have ginned
they would have ginned


Past participle: gun
Gerund: ginning

I gin
you gin
he/she/it gins
we gin
you gin
they gin
I gan
you gan
he/she/it gan
we gan
you gan
they gan
Present Continuous
I am ginning
you are ginning
he/she/it is ginning
we are ginning
you are ginning
they are ginning
Present Perfect
I have gun
you have gun
he/she/it has gun
we have gun
you have gun
they have gun
Past Continuous
I was ginning
you were ginning
he/she/it was ginning
we were ginning
you were ginning
they were ginning
Past Perfect
I had gun
you had gun
he/she/it had gun
we had gun
you had gun
they had gun
I will gin
you will gin
he/she/it will gin
we will gin
you will gin
they will gin
Future Perfect
I will have gun
you will have gun
he/she/it will have gun
we will have gun
you will have gun
they will have gun
Future Continuous
I will be ginning
you will be ginning
he/she/it will be ginning
we will be ginning
you will be ginning
they will be ginning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been ginning
you have been ginning
he/she/it has been ginning
we have been ginning
you have been ginning
they have been ginning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been ginning
you will have been ginning
he/she/it will have been ginning
we will have been ginning
you will have been ginning
they will have been ginning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been ginning
you had been ginning
he/she/it had been ginning
we had been ginning
you had been ginning
they had been ginning
I would gin
you would gin
he/she/it would gin
we would gin
you would gin
they would gin
Past Conditional
I would have gun
you would have gun
he/she/it would have gun
we would have gun
you would have gun
they would have gun
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


Generally a cotton gin, which is a collection of machines to separate cotton fibers from cottonseed and then bale the fibers.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Gin - strong liquor flavored with juniper berriesgin - strong liquor flavored with juniper berries
juniper berries - berrylike cone of a common juniper; used in making gin
booze, hard drink, hard liquor, John Barleycorn, liquor, spirits, strong drink - an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented
bathtub gin - homemade gin especially that made illegally
sloe gin - gin flavored with sloes (fruit of the blackthorn)
Holland gin, Hollands, geneva - gin made in the Netherlands
gin and tonic - gin and quinine water
martini - a cocktail made of gin (or vodka) with dry vermouth
gin and it - a cocktail made of gin and sweet vermouth
pink lady - a cocktail made of gin and brandy with lemon juice and grenadine shaken with an egg white and ice
2.Gin - a trap for birds or small mammalsgin - a trap for birds or small mammals; often has a slip noose
slipknot - a knot at the end of a cord or rope that can slip along the cord or rope around which it is made
trap - a device in which something (usually an animal) can be caught and penned
3.Gin - a machine that separates the seeds from raw cotton fibersgin - a machine that separates the seeds from raw cotton fibers
machine - any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks
4.Gin - a form of rummy in which a player can go out if the cards remaining in their hand total less than 10 pointsgin - a form of rummy in which a player can go out if the cards remaining in their hand total less than 10 points
rum, rummy - a card game based on collecting sets and sequences; the winner is the first to meld all their cards
Verb1.gin - separate the seeds from (cotton) with a cotton gin
disunite, separate, part, divide - force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"
2.gin - trap with a snare; "gin game"
hunting, hunt - the pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport
snare, trammel, trap, ensnare, entrap - catch in or as if in a trap; "The men trap foxes"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
جِنجِن: مُسْكِر قَوي
rượu gin


1 [dʒɪn] N (= drink) → ginebra f
gin and it (Brit) → vermú m con ginebra
gin and tonicgin-tonic m


2 [dʒɪn]
A. N
1. (Brit) (also gin trap) → trampa f
2. (Tech) → desmotadera f de algodón
B. CPD gin rummy Ngin rummy m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈdʒɪn] ngin m
a gin and tonic → un gin tonic
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


gin rummy
nRommé ntor Rommee ntmit Zehn
gin sling
nGin-Fizz m


n (= drink)Gin m, → Wacholder(schnaps) m; gin and tonicGin Tonic m; gin and it Gin und (italienischer) Wermut


(Hunt) → Falle f; (= snare)Schlinge f
(Tex: = cotton gin) → (Baumwoll)entkernungsmaschine f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[dʒɪn] n (liquor) → gin m inv
gin and tonic → gin tonic m inv
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(dʒin) noun
a type of alcoholic drink made from grain and flavoured with juniper berries.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


جِن gin gin Gin τζιν ginebra gini gin džin gin ジン jenever gin dżin gim, gin джин gin เหล้ายิน cin rượu gin 杜松子酒
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
This same Robin Hood, of whom, I wot, I never heard before, is a right merry blade, but gin he be strong, am not I stronger?
Try it some time.--Holland gin and straight coconut diet.
Most statistical tables are parchingly dry in the reading; not so in the present case, however, where the reader is flooded with whole pipes, barrels, quarts, and gills of good gin and good cheer.
And when I say "drinking," I speak not of smuggled gin or of brandy bottles held fiercely by the neck till they are empty.
My sister, who had begun to be alarmingly meditative, had to employ herself actively in getting the gin, the hot water, the sugar, and the lemon-peel, and mixing them.
Harriwell called himself an absent-minded idiot and rushed for the gin bottle.
It was not the amount of eightpences, but the quantity of gin which told fatally against poor James's character, when his aunt's butler, Mr.
I caught a Kru boy bringing him gin this afternoon.
The whole city, high and low, the quays bordering the Patapsco, the ships lying in the basins, disgorged a crowd drunk with joy, gin, and whisky.
Could I give them to the needy, who would probably dispose of them for gin? I told him of a friend with a young child who had already refused them because it would be unpleasant to him to be reminded of Timothy, and I think this was what touched him to the quick, so that he made the offer I was waiting for.
At the side of the bed, with a bottle of gin on the rickety table between them, sat two hideous leering, painted monsters, wearing the dress of women.
Along an alleyway he went and slipping in at the back door of the saloon began drinking a drink made of a combination of sloe gin and soda water.