genealogical tree

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Related to genealogical tree: family tree

genealogical tree

(Genetics) another name for family tree
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

genealogical tree

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References in classic literature ?
Prince Andrew was looking at a large gilt frame, new to him, containing the genealogical tree of the Princes Bolkonski, opposite which hung another such frame with a badly painted portrait (evidently by the hand of the artist belonging to the estate) of a ruling prince, in a crown- an alleged descendant of Rurik and ancestor of the Bolkonskis.
'Nephew--to--Lord--Decimus,' Mr Meagles luxuriously repeated with his eyes shut, that he might have nothing to distract him from the full flavour of the genealogical tree. 'By George, you are right, Gowan.
All these he bequeathed to me, with a thousand Roman crowns, which he had in ready money, on condition that I would have anniversary masses said for the repose of his soul, and that I would draw up a genealogical tree and history of his house.
An arboreal animal which makes itself at home in genealogical trees.
For the last hundred years the daughters of the family had married nobles belonging to the provinces; consequently, this family had thrown out so many suckers throughout the duchy as to appear on nearly all the genealogical trees. No bourgeois family had ever seemed so like nobility.
"We have documents, manuscripts and the genealogical tree in our library and museums too on whose basis we claim our descendants from Lord Ram's family, and we are not unique in this.
Modeled on prior artistic devices, such as the Tree of Jesse and the Tree of Life, which also mapped out families or dynasties on trees, this mid-18th century "Genealogical Tree of the Mercedarian Order" by an unknown painter depicts some of the friars--no doubt a who's who of Mercedarian VIPs --with attributes that would have made them recognizable at the time.
But rather than putting the dark salamanders at the base of the genealogical tree of olms, a genetic analysis places them higher among more recent, pale lineages.
There are no higher or lower organisms any more than there are higher or lower cousins in a genealogical tree.
In brief, the trunk of a genealogical tree is composed of progenitor strains whose mutations are maintained (9).

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