fund-raising drive

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Related to fund-raising drive: fund raised
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: drive - a campaign to raise money for some cause
crusade, campaign, cause, drive, effort, movement - a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end; "he supported populist campaigns"; "they worked in the cause of world peace"; "the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"; "the movement to end slavery"; "contributed to the war effort"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Summary: Department of Transport launches fund-raising drive
As Christmas - a season inspiring goodwill and charity - is just around the corner, AG New World Manila Bay Hotel launched on Friday its annual fund-raising drive in partnership with Kythe Foundation for the benefit of children diagnosed with cancer and chronic illnesses.
Summary: New York [USA], July 2 (ANI): Indian-origin Senator Kamala Harris, who has been in the news for the session regarding the Congressional testimony of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is reportedly on a fund-raising drive for her Democratic colleagues ahead of the United States presidential elections in 2020.
Ruaidhri Higgins was a teammate for eight years but counted Farren among his best friends and was an organiser of the fund-raising drive last summer.
But Mrs Anastasiades would have to organise a big fund-raising drive for the Agency if it is to be a success rather than depend on the taxpayer.
From May 25-31, a massive fund-raising drive will be held at the Mirdiff City Centre in Dubai with a range of fun-filled activities for humanitarians, families and philanthropists.
Parker Motor Services, which has branches in Nuneaton and Rugby, has launched a innovative fund-raising drive to celebrate its 90th anniversary.
Her family have launched a fund-raising drive to help finance a PS250,000 research project to find a cure for the illness.
FACTUAL Text Santa (ITV, 7pm) Day two of ITV's festive fund-raising drive as Ant and Dec join Holly Willoughby and a host of stars in a heart-warming bid to keep the money rolling in.
The atmospheric, almost Lowry-esque industrial scene Lady of the North was donated by the artist to help boost the Middlesbrough and Teesside Philanthropic Foundation's fund-raising drive in aid of the 100th anniversary of the Transporter Bridge.
The setting-up of James Bulger House, at Ribby Hall Village, near Blackpool, comes six months after Denise Fergus launched a pounds 50,000 fund-raising drive to provide breaks for deserving children.

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