forced feeding

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Noun1.forced feeding - feeding that consists of the delivery of a nutrient solution (as through a nasal tube) to someone who cannot or will not eat
alimentation, feeding - the act of supplying food and nourishment
nasogastric feeding - feeding consisting of delivering liquid nutrients through a tube passing through the nose and into the stomach
gastrogavage - feeding a nutrient solution into the stomach through a tube through a surgically created opening
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References in classic literature ?
They tried electricity, and forced feeding, and fasting.
The court noted Friday that Italy, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, India, Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Poland, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and the United Kingdom have some form of a ban on forced feeding or on foie gras products.
Although Israeli legislation allows for the forced feeding of prisoners, the Israeli Medical Association has barred its members from doing so.