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Related to fecundation: fertilization


 (fē′kən-dāt′, fĕk′ən-)
tr.v. fe·cun·dat·ed, fe·cun·dat·ing, fe·cun·dates
1. To make fecund or fruitful.
2. To impregnate; fertilize.

[Latin fēcundāre, fēcundāt-, from fēcundus, fruitful; see fecund.]

fe′cun·da′tion n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
fecund, fecundation - Fecund is another word for "fertile, fruitful, productive"; fecundation is another word for "fertilization, impregnation."
See also related terms for productive.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.fecundation - creation by the physical union of male and female gametesfecundation - creation by the physical union of male and female gametes; of sperm and ova in an animal or pollen and ovule in a plant
conception, creation - the event that occurred at the beginning of something; "from its creation the plan was doomed to failure"
pollenation, pollination - transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a plant
cross-fertilisation, cross-fertilization - fertilization by the union of male and female gametes from different individual of the same species
self-fertilisation, self-fertilization - fertilization by the union of male and female gametes from the same individual
superfecundation - fertilization of two or more ova released during the same menstrual cycle by sperm from separate acts of coitus (especially by different males)
superfetation - fertilization of a second ovum after a pregnancy has begun; results in two fetuses of different ages in the uterus at the same time; "superfetation is normal in some animal species"
2.fecundation - making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure
enrichment - act of making fuller or more meaningful or rewarding
top dressing - a layer of fertilizer or manure not plowed in
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


n. fecundación, el acto de hacer fértil.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
revolutum produced a plant, which (he says) I never saw to occur in a case of its natural fecundation.' So that we here have perfect, or even more than commonly perfect, fertility in a first cross between two distinct species.
Being that T5 exposes more than T4, and so on (T5>T4>T3>T2>T1), which would facilitate fecundation by insects (COSTA et al., 2008).
The utilization of male with superior testicular development and consequently with high fecundation capability is significant to ensure the good reproductive competence of the flock.
Generally, spermathecal muscles occur close to the hilum, forming a spermathecal pump that controls release of spermatozoa during oocytes fecundation (Kocorek & Danielczok-Demska 2002; Martins & Serrao 2002; Souza et al.
The spermatheca is an organ of the female reproductive tract, responsible for storing and maintaining the viability of spermatozoa from mating until oocyte fecundation, reducing or eliminating the need for multiple matings and, consequently, the probability of the female being preyed upon (Thornhill and Alcock 1983; Souza et al., 2008, 2016).
Fecundation interna en Bankia martensi (Stempell, 1899) (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) del sur de Chile.
Before testing pesticide toxicity, the potential toxicity of the solvent DMSO was evaluated on the development of larvae and the viability of the fecundation process via a sperm toxicity test.
This effect should be observed mainly on applications at the R1 stage, because the fecundation of soybean flowers occurs at least two days before complete opening of petals, and full opened flowers show embryos with first cell divisions (Fioreze et al, 2017)
marginatus is an iteroparous, gonochoristic, monomorphic, oviparous species with external fecundation. It reaches sexual maturity at 11.5 cm standard length for males and 12.2 cm standard length for females and all individuals are able to reproduce at 13.0 cm standard length (Suzuki, Vazzoler, Marques, Lizama, & Inada, 2004).
The assumption that large body size and high gamete production translate into high reproductive success may be not right when the influence of fertilization success is ignored." Thus, the fecundation modality of the group needs to receive attention because, when fertilization occurs, the females and males form Gordian knots that are fraught, with the possibility that a given female may be inseminated by various males at the same time (Bolek et al., 2015; Schmidt-Rhaesa, 1997).