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(fɑːs) ecclesiast
(Ecclesiastical Terms) an explanatory paraphrase inserted into Latin liturgy
vb (tr)
(Ecclesiastical Terms) to insert an explanatory paraphrase into (liturgy)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Nel primo periodo nella compagnia dei De Filippo Regina Bianchi interpreta personaggi che paiono ancora appartenere a Viviani nella connotazione di livello popolare, oppure portati a una caratterizzazione grottesca rivolta soprattutto al comico, specie nelle farse scritte da Peppino.
GOLF: The Made in Denmark, Farse - Sky Sports Main Event 10am.
For instance, while there are reports of the disease from Mashhad, Zahedan, Tabriz, Kerman, and Tehran, until recently there was no report of the disease from Farse province (Shiraz).
Perhaps Washington doesn't know about those efforts which Russia has undertaken in the frame of the contact group among other things to ensure that the international experts can come to the area of the crash as briefly as possible and that's a fact that the American embassy should be better inform and indeed there's no need to turn the discussion of the tragedy into a farse."
An analysis of immigration process in Farse province.
Questa tendenza e riconfermata in Un Paese senza (1980) in cui Arbasino racconta di un'Italia sospesa tra progresso e regresso, segnata <<da "Corsi e Ricorsi, Tragedie che si replicano come Farse e viceversa">> (52).
The Onion to Sue Lebanon for Making Its Headlines Look Reasonable The political news from Lebanon is so far fetched that satirical newspaper The Onion can not make a farse of it.