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(Music, other) music a form of flamenco music, the accompanying dance being traditionally performed by men
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The concept of the universe and the onto-epistemological model "Farruca" points to, on being based on an endless play of presences and absences, of modulations of otherness, challenge the fixities of the metaphysical being, offering as an onto-epistemological alternative the BwO (body without organs).
His program opens with a farruca titled "Mujer Espanola," followed by nine other selections.
Wallendorf; Aria Cantilena, Villa-Lobos/Benjamin Garzia; Farruca, Manuel de Falla/Wallendorf; Sous le Ciel de Paris, Hubert Giraud/Wallendorf; Traditional English, Irish, Welsh, Scottish Songs, Four Corners, arr.
Triptico, Joaquin Turina ("Farruca," [Campoamor], "Cantilena" [Duque de Rivas], "Madrigal" [Duque de Rivas])
I have a photograph of Kay from 1954 that shows her in high-waisted trousers and a white-frilled shirt, costumed for La Farruca, a flamenco dance usually performed by a man.
The work abounds in vibrant, boisterous dances like the fandango and the farruca, which, although transferred to the orchestra, lose nothing of their authentic Andalusian quality.
More captivating are the moments in rehearsals when Hoyos and Gades urge del Sol to move with more purpose and urgency, or when Antonio dances the farruca, the ferocity of his presence pulsating in every lunge and turn of this rich, masculine dance.
It is a type of flamenco dance called a farruca, a sensual male dance in 4/4 time.