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tr.v. ex·ter·mi·nat·ed, ex·ter·mi·nat·ing, ex·ter·mi·nates
To get rid of by destroying completely: exterminated the termites that were weakening the wall. See Synonyms at annihilate.

[Latin extermināre, extermināt-, to drive out : ex-, ex- + termināre, to mark boundaries (from terminus, boundary marker).]

ex·ter′mi·na′tion n.
ex·ter′mi·na′tive, ex·ter′mi·na·to′ry (-nə-tôr′ē) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ɪkˈstɜr mə nəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i)

also ex•ter•mi•na•tive

(-ˌneɪ tɪv)

serving or tending to exterminate.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Next to European Jews, the Roma were the next biggest victims of Adolf Hitler's exterminatory zeal.
Likewise, the genocide against the Rohingya people should serve as a wake-up call about where such exterminatory logic leads.
Second, by analyzing the nuclear bomb shelter as a place of embodied practices and affects and focusing on the ongoing processes of de- and reterritorialization, this paper sounds a notice of caution with regards to the notion of the bunker as a "space of exception." Drawing on Agamben's reflection of the camp, Klinke recently described the FRG's Cold War governmental bunker near Bonn as a materialized "space of exception and logistics," which turned the exterminatory logic of the camp inside out (2015: 9).
The Eastern front's exterminatory character no doubt compromised its ability to serve as a purgative act of ritual transgression.
The failure or refusal to distinguish between totalizing, exterminatory Nazism and other, less extreme forms of fascism may signal the intentional propagation of a political agenda.
The appendix to this magisterial work is entitled "Major Incidents of Genocide and Sub-Genocidal Violence: Rimlands and Near-Regions, 1912-1953." It lists forty-two incidents of mass exterminatory violence between 1912 and 1938 and fifty more (discussed in this second volume) between 1939 and 1953.
One common trope about genocide is that they are the result of ancient tribal and ethnic hatreds boiling over and erupting into exterminatory violence.
On the one hand, the participants were completely explicit about what they had set out to accomplish in the "Final Solution," taking enduring pride in the actual record of their exterminatory practice, while regretting its premature interruption.
Despite critical distinctions between these various judicial and quasi-judicial processes, what they have in common is their implicit or explicit recourse to the assumptions and practices that visibly locate the international order as the initiator, overseer and/or guarantor of justice against forms of exterminatory violence perpetrated by states or state-like agents.
This principle, "peremptory" because it is so fundamental and overriding, includes those exterminatory belligerencies that masquerade as war.
While there were many other contributors to exterminatory violence between hunter-gatherers and commercial stock farmers, and each conflict was unique, the primary facilitators identified here were not only common to case studies globally but also instrumental to escalating the violence to genocidal levels.
(57.) See, e.g., CALLOWAY, supra note 1, at 132-33, 292-301 (quoting a Seneca leader's statement that the Americans "wish for nothing more, than to extirpate us from the Earth, that they may possess our Lands"); SILVER, supra note 13, at 263-83 (noting the prevalence of the "language of exterminatory anti-Indianism" during and after the Revolution, and citing several instances when Anglo-Americans demanded Indians' "extirpation"); Merrell, supra note 29, at 199 (reporting one English visitor's comment that "[t]he white American have the most rancorous antipathy to the whole race of Indians and nothing is more common than to hear them talk of extirpating them from the face of the earth, men, women, and children").