References in classic literature ?
And that night we slept in our own little cave high up on the cliff, though first we had to evict a couple of pugnacious youngsters who had taken possession.
Bennett fidgeted with impatience, and suggested calling a sentry to evict the fakir.
The murdered man, it appeared, was an evicted tenant who had for nearly a year pursued his late landlord with threats and insults; and beyond this, the cause and details of the tragedy were lost.
It was a rude, mud-built town in the time of the Britons, who squatted there, until the Roman legions evicted them; and replaced their clay-baked walls by mighty fortifications, the trace of which Time has not yet succeeded in sweeping away, so well those old-world masons knew how to build.
The Basts had just been evicted for not paying their rent, and had wandered no one knew whither.
Jurgis had never seen any dead bodies in the streets, but he had seen people evicted and disappear, no one knew where; and though the city had a relief bureau, though there was a charity organization society in the stockyards district, in all his life there he had never heard of either of them.
"I hate and fear snakes, because if you look into the eyes of any snake you will see that it knows all and more of man's fall, and that it feels all the contempt that the devil felt when Adam was evicted from Eden.
They evicted the scholar class, which was violently reactionary, and put into office progressive officials.
Surely it was too goodly a residence that we should be so swiftly, so ruthlessly, evicted from it!
His desperate courage was evicted by a great surge of fear.
Sandwell Council's anti-social behaviour and legal teams, supported by West Midlands Police, took the tenant to court in an effort to evict them.
Residents alleged that a local church wants to evict them so it can build a school on the land.