euro sign

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euro sign

, euro symbol
nEurozeichen ntor -symbol nt
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A euro sign sculpture stands illuminated in front of the European Central Bank (ECB) headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.
This is what makes Lebanon different from any other country in the Arab world because we do believe in many shared values and principles." He concluded: "I hope that we continue this relationship in a very prosperous way and look beyond the dollar sign and the Euro sign because I think that the values we hold are priceless and that's what matters at the end of the day." Mogherini then visited Hariri at the Grand Serail.
by Janusz Reiter The euro sign sculpture is seen outside the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt, Germany.
Two other points of note regarding the hologram: one complete stripe has four distinct images--a Euro sign, portrait, architectural feature and denomination number-that are likely to correlate directly with the print and watermark of the banknote.
Better use of the euro sign, which is now linked to the EU, would also be an effective means.
We should have started the bank of the UK with the four National flags on one side of the notes and a Euro sign on the other side.
THE euro has arrived and all sorts of people are jumping on its bandwagon, not least the Petersen Partnership, a posh Cardiff PR agency that includes a euro sign in its new Yellow Pages entry.
The little euro sign ([epsilon]) that we saw on the restaurant checks at MIP-TV in Cannes, or MIFED in Milan, will soon come alive.
by Michel Barnier The Euro sign sculpture is seen outside the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt, Germany.
File photo: A euro sign sculpture stands illuminated in front of the European Central Bank (ECB) headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.
by Carl Bildt The Euro sign sculpture is seen outside the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt, Germany.