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Centered or focused on Europe or European peoples, especially in relation to historical or cultural influence.

Eu′ro·cen′trism n.
Eu′ro·cen′trist adj. & n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Eurocentrism - belief in the preeminence of Europe and the Europeans
partisanship, partiality - an inclination to favor one group or view or opinion over alternatives
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[ˈjʊərəʊˌsentrɪzəm] Neurocentrismo m
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The critique of Eurocentrism is then not merely a settling of accounts with a perspective, the Western tradition, that castigated us as basically sub-human, but also and more importantly, the means--or a means--of catharsis, or a cathartic self-cleansing of all that Africa was made to submissively accept and internalize as its "objective" inferiority.
While the general argument and critique of Eurocentrism that Goody provides is a familiar one, the virtue of the text is found in the rich ways that Goody writes about the social sciences and humanities.
At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Frantz Fanon, Eurocentrism and patriarchy." That's one of the passages from his autobiography.
Some critics even presented postcolonialism as comparatism' s natural successor, refusing to believe that Comp Lit's apparently inherent Eurocentrism could ever realistically be steered in new postcolonial directions.
Among the topics discussed in the interview are Derrida's relation to the French language (his "violence" towards it, his love of it, his feeling--as both Algerian and Jew--a foreigner to it), which he summarizes as his "unfaithful fidelity" to it; his identification with Europe even as he criticizes a certain Eurocentrism (deconstruction "is European," "is a product of Europe, a relation of Europe to itself," but it is so in the sense in which, "since the time of the Enlightenment, Europe has undertaken a perpetual self-critique" [44-45]); the future of the university and the relation between truth, and power; cosmopolitanism, American hegemony, and his views on the future of "Europe"; his thoughts on the history of philosophy, marriage (in the context of "same sex marriage" vs.
The author acknowledges that "Indebted to the subaltern historiography of Ranajit Guha, Homi Bhabha, and Dipesh Chakrabarty, as well as to the subaltern epistemology of Enrique Dussel and Walter Mignolo, Europe (In Theory) questions Eurocentrism not from the outside but from the marginal inside of Europe itself." Dainotto's intellectual honesty and insight are both excellent and extraordinary.
deals with a universal reality through the experiences of Black women," explains Simmons, noting the conflation of Eurocentrism and universalism.
Furthermore, he notes the shortcomings in the IOC-YMCA connection, such as unclear policies, actions that contradicted organizational rhetoric, and a strong sense of Eurocentrism. Thus, Torres recognizes the positive outcomes that stemmed from the internationalization of the Olympic Games into Latin America, such as the establishment of sport within the nations and the attention to the needs of, and potential for, their national sporting futures.
First, as the work of two Czech authors it is remarkably strong on central European localities (and authoritative on how to spell them, diacritical marks included); although the book aspires to a global purview, its mild Eurocentrism feels, to the present reviewer at least, more like a virtue and an endearing eccentricity, than like a flaw.
He saw his analytic shift of emphasis as an essential mode of overcoming Eurocentrism. The other three of us agreed with him that China's role had long been neglected, but disagreed that the 5000-year 'world system' was the same kind of phenomenon as the 500-year 'modern world-system' based on the capitalist mode of production.