drink-driving offence


drink-driving offence

nreato di guida in stato di ebbrezza
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
A FORMER UUP councillor has pleaded guilty to his second drink-driving offence.
HE is a recovering alcoholic who is currently doing community service after committing a drink-driving offence, while she - while keeping him under surveillance - now fancies herself as a shoplifter...
It was the mum-of-one's second drink-driving offence, although in mitigation it was said the other was 17 years ago.
An 'idiotic' driver caught over the limit just hours after being spared jail for a drink-driving offence has dodged jail again.
He had completed a driving ban and awareness course four months before the crash for a previous drink-driving offence.
The Scot, who will lose his elite-podium funding as a result, was suspended for three months in June following a drink-driving offence.
Former England captain Wayne Rooney has been charged with a drink-driving offence, Cheshire police said in a statement on Friday.
It was his second drink-driving offence in 10 years.
The 53-year-old, who had already been prosecuted for a drink-driving offence earlier this year, was found to have 59mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath.
THE cost of a drink-driving offence was highlighted today as the Government launched a road safety spring offensive.
Since 2004, the Magistrates' and Crown Courts in Wales have been able to offer a referral to an approved drink-drive rehabilitation course to drivers disqualified for at least 12 months for a relevant drink-driving offence.
A drink-driving offence Rock, 34, from Armitage, near Lichfield, committed as a teenager meant he needed a visa which US officials finally granted at 4pm.