Drinking horn

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a drinking vessel made of a horn.

See also: Drinking

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The Serpent, irritated at the escape of his prey, injected his poison into the drinking horn of the countryman.
On the table were a loaf of black bread, an earthenware jar containing honey, a pitcher of milk and two drinking horns. To these De Vac immediately gave his attention, commanding the child to partake of what he wished.
Beside each person of rank was placed a goblet of silver; the lower board was accommodated with large drinking horns.
Then several yeomen came forward and spread cloths upon the green grass, and placed a royal feast; while others still broached barrels of sack and Malmsey and good stout ale, and set them in jars upon the cloth, with drinking horns about them.
I had visions of Tormund Giantsbane and his drinking horn running through my head, while the nephew wondered if some of the show's stars might be there to join us.
It's nothing new, indeed I think the modern-era was born when some Fertile Crescent farmer's wife took one look at his newly-purchased designer goatskin drinking horn cover with matching loincloth and sighed: "Whatd'ye need that for?" He must have felt exactly like the bloke who's come back from a sportsman's dinner auction - PS200 the lighter - with a signed print of a full back who's name he can't remember, who was on the bench for the runners-up (Watford I believe) in the 1984 FA cup final.
DRINKING HORN Modelled on ancient drinking horns, Uber Beer's Das Horn is a timeless relic and noble trophy combined.
Hilmar poured beer into a drinking horn and offered a toast, marking the official start of the ritual.
The Story of the Drinking Horn: Drinking Culture in Scandinavia During the Middle Ages
Longtime Soviet politburo leader and general secretary of the Communist Party Leonid Brezhnev gave a 3-foot-long crystal drinking horn. Libya's Col.
Russia moved its own naval forces to the Abkhaz port of Sukhumi, where they got a rapturous reception from Abkhaz leader Sergei Bagapsh, who downed a toast from an ornate drinking horn with Russian officers.