division Gymnomycota

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Noun1.division Gymnomycota - slime molds; organisms having a noncellular and multinucleate creeping vegetative phase and a propagative spore-producing stage: comprises Myxomycetes and Acrasiomycetes; in some classifications placed in the kingdom Protoctista
division - (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
class Myxomycetes, Myxomycetes - the class of true slime molds; essentially equivalent to the division Myxomycota
Acrasiomycetes, class Acrasiomycetes - cellular slime molds; in some classifications placed in kingdom Protoctista
Fungi, fungus kingdom, kingdom Fungi - the taxonomic kingdom including yeast, molds, smuts, mushrooms, and toadstools; distinct from the green plants
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