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Related to Divinization: deification, Theosis


n.1.A making divine.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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" And Incarnation tells us the most important truth about ourselves: we are destined for divinization.
For Mahoney, "Comte takes the place of Christ, just as the love of Humanity,' the jealous Grand-Etre, takes the place of 'love of God.' In this sense, Comte has divinized his own existence, making himself the herald of a new Humanity worshipping itself." Man's "self-deification" by man is the antithesis of man's divinization through the power and gift of God.
Maximus says quite the contrary: "For the grace of divinization is completely unconditioned, because it finds no faculty or capacity of any sort within nature that could receive it, for if it did, it would no longer be grace but the manifestation of a natural activity latent within the potentiality of nature.
The divinization of the Word--logocentrism--displaced the visual dominant," (39) But Pushkin's "Monument" itself reflects the transitional moment: the visual and iconic counterbalances the emerging cultural logocentrism.
Guided by these fundamental insights, Edith Stein teaches that the relationship between Bildung and Ausbildung constitutes a process of divinization based in a loving dialogue.
(7.) Si vedano la nota 49 a pie di pagina del secondo capitolo del libro 11 Virgilio Dantesco, intitolato "Travisamenti danteschi dell'Eneide", e la nota 165 a pie di pagina dell'articolo "The Tragedy of Divinization in Inferno XX" nel libro di Hollander Studies in Dante (1980).
He does not support a "divinization of the earth" or a denial of the preeminence of the human person.
Authentic human freedom must be nurtured within the community of the Church, which provides a true understanding of the human person as directed toward Christ and divinization.
Nor does it imply a divinization of the earth which would prevent us from working on it and protecting it in its fragility (90).
"In the face of violence, the vocation of the Christian, then and now, is faithful witness and resistance to the divinization of power and prosperity" (273).