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Related to destabilisation: destabilization
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.destabilisation - the action of destabilizing; making something less stable (especially of a government or country or economy)
action - something done (usually as opposed to something said); "there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions"
governing, government activity, government, governance, administration - the act of governing; exercising authority; "regulations for the governing of state prisons"; "he had considerable experience of government"
stabilization, stabilisation - the act of stabilizing something or making it more stable; "he worked for price stabilization for farm products"; "wage stabilization is necessary for industrial peace"; "stabilization means that the product can be handled under atmospheric conditions"
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References in periodicals archive ?
BRUSSELS, May 20 (KUNA) -- The European Union (EU) Monday warned of further destabilisation in the region following increased tension between the US and Iran.
Saying he has the people's mandate, President Rodrigo Duterte yesterday said he was not afraid of an allegedly brewing destabilisation plot that is allegedly orchestrated by his political enemies.
'Destabilisation of one country of the Asia region is never equivalent to destabilization of one country rather its equivalent to one building block that has to craft the destiny of the region, and thus an enormous loss' he added.
According to him, the European elites have to change their behavior to prevent a cult war and destabilisation, the goals of terrorism.
Le president russe, Vladimir Poutine, a estime lors d'un entretien telephonique avec son homologue tadjik, Emomali Rahmon, que les recentes violences au Tadjikistan etaient une [beaucoup moins que] tentative de destabilisation [beaucoup plus grand que] de ce pays d'Asie centrale, rapporte la chaine Channel One Russia.
The United States Secretary of State John Kerry has gone out of his way to reassure the GCC states that the US continues to support their efforts against destabilisation. In a rare meeting with the foreign ministers of the six GCC states, Kerry made an obvious criticism of Iran when he stated that the US is helping the GCC states "counter-destabilising activities taking place in the region".
With these refugees numbering half the size of the country's indigenous population (by the government's estimate), occupying 60% of the labour market, and the total cost of their accommodation estimated at $3bn -- it's a calculated decision to combat what can best be described as overwhelming destabilisation.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Several people including an opposition MP were arrested in the Chad capital Ndjamena, in what the government described as an attempted "destabilisation plot".
The High Commission said in a statement that the report 'Tigers return from India on a destabilisation mission - SL intelligence' published in 'The Island' newspaper was "baseless".
The bank said that the mere deregulation of the interest rate of savings bank accounts could lead to short-term destabilisation of the bank's interest rate structure.
Summary: Marrakech - The Polisario is currently one of the major factors of destabilisation and insecurity in Africa, director of the Paris-based research centre Observatory of geopolitical studies Charles Saint-Prot said here on Thursday.