deferred sentence

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deferred sentence

(Law) law a sentence that is postponed for a specific period to allow a court to examine the conduct of the offender during the deferment. Compare suspended sentence
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Scott Cameron leaving Aberdeen Sheriff Court, where Sheriff Christine McCrossan deferred sentence until October
Sheriff Kenneth Robb at Dumfries deferred sentence for background reports to July 24.
No details were given to Sheriff Gary Aitken who deferred sentence on the first offender until June 11 for a background report.
Sheriff Moira MacKenzie warned Docherty he could be jailed as she deferred sentence for background reports to be prepared.
The Seattle Times reports the 52-year-old 'Deadliest Catch' star on Thursday was given a deferred sentence, ordered to undergo alcohol treatment and put on a year of probation.
THE use of a Deferred Sentence to enable a woman defendant "to sort her life out" " (Daily Post 29/11/20170) can clearly be a valuable procedure to avoid some of the consequences of female imprisonment, which include high re-conviction rates, family breakup and substantial cost.
As he deferred sentence for eight weeks, Sheriff McCartney told McNeill he was lucky he was not being locked up.
District Judge Barney McElholm said her behaviour would usually merit a prison sentence but deferred sentence until next July as she has a clear record.
Judge Mike Norman gave Tyler Alred a 10-year deferred sentence for DUI manslaughter.
Judge Richard Bray deferred sentence on Josephs for six months and told him: "I bear in mind your basis of plea that this was recklessness, not a deliberate attempt to use violence on an officer."
Sheriff John Montgomery deferred sentence for reports.
They will get a slap on the wrist, a deferred sentence, community service, an asbo, all of these are a joke, and don't the culprits know it.