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Related to countryfied: countrified


Variant of countrified.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.countryfied - characteristic of rural life; "countrified clothes"; "rustic awkwardness"
rural - living in or characteristic of farming or country life; "rural people"; "large rural households"; "unpaved rural roads"; "an economy that is basically rural"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Although the unexpected countryfied cover version of Tainted Love runs it a close second.
The calm bravery of a young woman who faced up to racist demonstrators is saluted in Saffiyah Smiles, while King Tide and The Sunny Day Flood is a countryfied swipe at climate-change deniers.
Song highlights included fans' favourites What if I Was Willing, Black Roses and Life That's Good, while a group cover of David Bowie's Heroes had a countryfied arrangement that was respectful, but refreshing.
I learned on the job there, but they liked my big ballads, and were less excited by the more "countryfied" things I was writing.
TO so many of us in the eastern valleys of Wales, the Welsh language was the language of old people and those young people who spoke it were in some way freaks, either very recent immigrants from the rural areas of Wales or, often, the sons and daughters of nonconformist ministers who maintained stubborn oases of Welshness which seemed somehow comic and countryfied to outsiders.
There's tonnes of acoustic instruments and percussion, layers or harmonies, even some countryfied slide guitar!" Mike from Lessons added: "We took NSR's epic punk rock tune Alcohol - stripped it back, swung it, added some 'bah bah bahs' and re-invented it as a slightly psychedelic Kinks-style jam.
"Can you," he shouted in my direction, "try to look a little more 'countryfied'?" "And how do you suggest I do that?" I asked through a starched smile.
Humour is never far away, as in Fat Man Lodged on Dog Leap Stairs (although the title is funnier than the bitter subject matter) and the wittily titled Alnwickdote in which "stone lions, countryfied gargoyles hunch, unpouncing ...".
It's the Hollywood star getting all musical and turning out the kind of American, countryfied rock you'd expect.
"We're buying more antique furniture and we want to keep the traditional French countryfied theme we had in the old Bully's, with low lighting, wooden flooring and oak tables.
Formed in New York just over a decade ago, their name alludes to Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli's Quintette Du Hot Club De France, but they also play a hay-kicking, countryfied Western Swing descended from the sound of Hank Williams and Bob Wills.
He continues: "When the band started we were playing acoustic rock, in a similar vein to The Eagles but not as 'countryfied' and that type of sound doesn't date.