Countryside Agency

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Countryside Agency

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in England) a government agency that promotes the conservation and enjoyment of the countryside and aims to stimulate employment in rural areas
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Backed by the Countryside Agency and the British Heart Foundation, they are aimed at raising vital cash as well as getting people fitter.
Conservation charity BTCV West Midlands, has been awarded more than pounds 15,000 from the Countryside Agency.
Four years ago the Countryside Agency was given pounds 1.6m in lottery cash by the New Opportunities Fund to help local people create doorstep greens to replace the spaces lost to modern housing developments.
Fiona Moore, spokesperson for the Countryside Agency in the West Midlands, said: 'The Countryside Agency has an interest in ensuring the design of any building in the countryside fits in with its surroundings.
Local authorities throughout Tyne and Wear have teamed up with Nexus and the Countryside Agency to spread the message that reducing car use will make for happier, healthier and greener communities.
The event takes place at Newlands Corner, near Guildford in Surrey, where the works, designed and created by sculptor Walter Bailey, will be unveiled by Countryside Agency chairman Ewen Cameron.
The Holme Valley transport scheme was set up by Honley Surgery in 2002 (not the PCT) and was funded at that time by The Countryside Agency in association with the Rural Transport Partnership (not the PCT).
More than 6,000 people walked the entire length of Hadrian's Wall last year, according to figures from the Countryside Agency.
Alan, 47, who lives near Wark in Northumberland, has been appointed by the Countryside Agency as full-time "lengthsman" for the Wall.
The consultation is being run by the Countryside Agency on behalf of Defra.
Funding has come through grants from the Countryside Agency (Doorstep Green), SITA Environmental Trust, Groundwork South Tees and TeesValley Community Foundation.
Daniel Hart and Ria Thompson, both aged nine, and Rebecca McCabe and Matthew Kent, both aged eight, all from Clifton Primary School, in Rugby, recorded an anti-litter message in a competition run by the Countryside Agency and Radio 4.
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