

(Cookery) (in the confectionery trade) a chocolate-based bar
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GCC chocolate market can be broadly categorised into chocolate pouches and bags, boxed chocolates, countline, tablets and others.
GCC chocolate market can be broadly categorized into chocolate pouches and bags, boxed chocolates, countline, tablets and others.
The report categorizes Indian Chocolate market into four product segments such as Moulded Chocolates, Countline Bars, Sugar Panned and Choco Panned to provide a detailed overview of past and present performance of each segment.
Today you have the chance to sweeten up lunchtime with another fantastic two for one saving - this time for any Greggs Countline Cake.
This is a variation of Cadbury Dairy Milk countline, already a dual brand that uses the name and ingredients of Crunchie.
Now we use umbrella brands to launch a product under Milka as a tablette, as a countline, as a praline and as a seasonal.
This occurred when the Mars countline Marathon changed to Snickers across Europe.
Countline products are the largest sector comprising 34.1% of the market at a value of nearly [pounds sterling]1.2 billion.
The company is building on the popularity of Giant Strawbs--HARIBO's best selling countline--with the launch of Giant Apples, a fruit-flavoured, soft gum countline, and Liquorice Twists, a new bag line.
With the growing popularity of tangy, sour sweets, HARIBO has added Giant Sour Strawberries, a sour version of the popular Giant Strawberry countline, to its countline range.
Crawford's relationship with Vimto began with the manufacture of Vimto (sugar) lollies as part of the Vimto licensed range, initially launching the Vimto lollipop as a countline then into prepack bags and Pic-n-Mix.
The system was required to wrap countline bars at 700/min, and multipack them into single or double layers (counts from 3 to 12), or handle bite-sized bars at 1,500/min.