commercial artwork

Related to commercial artwork: Commercial Graphic Design
fine art, commercial artwork - Fine art is any art created for its own sake, as opposed to commercial artwork.
See also related terms for sake.
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Diane, who also teaches design technology on a part-time basis to children with autism at Woodley School and College in Longley, is showing original commercial artwork, portraits and commissions at the Craft Locker in Elland until April 30.
ATYNEMOUTH artist who set up a business doodling bulidings on-demand is looking to expand into commercial artwork after success with domestic commissions.
A TYNEMOUTH artist who set up a business doodling bulidings ondemand is looking to expand into commercial artwork after success with domestic commissions.
Here Andy discovered the blotted-line technique of ink drawing, the signature element of his commercial artwork that launched his success as a graphic designer in New York.
The company also produces a range of automatic sprayguns for robot installations, and is probably the UK's biggest supplier of airbrushes for commercial artwork and decorative work.

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