class warfare

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Related to class warfare: class struggle, Class conflict, class wars
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Noun1.class warfare - conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes)class warfare - conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes)
conflict, struggle, battle - an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph"--Thomas Paine; "police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs"
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References in periodicals archive ?
There are five chapters: from crisis to confrontation; the rising tide of rebellion; Memorial Day 1937; red scar and popular resistance; Little Steel and class warfare. There are notes, suggested further reading, and black-and-white pictures.
It was something like class warfare, playing out in all its forms, from the dining establishment housed in the former home of the mill owners serving up a fine steaks, to the blue-collar dining car with its workers' menu for the mill workers to get a plate of ground beef, likely in the form of meatloaf covered with gravy.
SIR - Following the appalling Pisa results, Carwyn Jones' only argument at First Minister's Questions in the Senedd was one of class warfare.
"I am very angry about this disruption, which I blame entirely on a greedy and incompetent Government which has declared class warfare on its population, sparking off a race to the bottom."
It takes audacity for Republicans to accuse Obama of class warfare, because they've worked for years, with considerable success, to elevate the interests of the wealthy over those of middle- and lower-class Americans.
Add in class warfare, a deadly tournament, and The Carnival of Souls, where any pleasure or contract can be fulfilled, and this is one novel that will be at the top of everyone's to-read list.--Amanda Fensch.
These overpaid, over-fed, overbearing peddlers of class warfare are living on a planet of their own.
I remember Mr McCabe pushing himself as an "expert" on fox hunting with his anti-hunt stance during the long drawn out debates in parliament which centered around "class warfare" instead of animal welfare.
IT looks as if class warfare is back on the agenda after three elections when Labour cuddled up to the rich.
RECOVERY: Phil Woolas So too will more help for first-time buyers, funded in a delicious example of class warfare, by stamp duty on million-pound homes.
I may have had the term "toffs" projected as the main issue but it is not; neither is the argument about horses or about class warfare. It is about fairness.
For those not familiar with Final Fantasy Tactics, its themes include class warfare, divided loyalties, murder and Machiavellian scheming...