

(ˌkæntənaɪˈzeɪʃən) or


the process of dividing into cantons
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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**Solza Grceva's political party, Voice for Macedonia, has recently issued an open letter urging MPs to think twice before proceeding to change Macedonia's Constitution as that could lead to federalization and even cantonization. "Since when is there an equation mark between a binational state and a civil concept state?
If Zoran Zaev and the Albanian coalition form a government, Macedonia will become a binational state with two official languages and a process of cantonization will gradually begin, says VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski in an interview with Serbia's Blic newspaper, Vest reports.
The siege of Gaza co-exists with the cantonization of the West Bank, the peripheralization and Judaization of Jerusalem, and the repression and subjugation of Palestinians inside Israel.
"I'd say the best result you might be able to get is a benign balkanization, benign cantonization in Syria.
Decentralization should potentially contribute to sustainable solutions for ethnic problems in multicultural municipalities and avoid cantonization or other manifestations of ethnic homogeneity.
The states themselves break down into civil war, as in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Libya, and a kind of cantonization threatens elsewhere, as in Lebanon.
Scott's contributors to Preview and First Statement in Westmount, and the Yiddish readers of the Keneder Odler along the Main only confirms the cantonization, despite their geographic proximity, of these conventicles.
NNA - Cantonization of Lebanon is impossible , Head of Kataeb Party, Amine Gemayel announce on the 77 anniversary of founding of the party at Biel today.
(71.) The internal consistency principle is arguably implicit in General Assembly Resolution 54/183, which prohibits "ethnically based division" and "cantonization" in Kosovo, and hence discrimination by the majority ethnic group (ethnic Albanians) against other minorities.
the ethnic cleansing or cantonization of the native population, and 3.
Meeting with young Palestinian entrepreneurs, old Fatah functionaries, intransigent Israeli settlers, and political leaders who can't figure what it will take to end the occupation, Gorenberg shows us a proto-Palestine emboldened by the convulsions in Cairo, hemmed in by the cantonization of the West Bank, seeking to move toward statehood, and finding itself blocked at every turn.
And all of this will be in the spirit of the idea for the country's cantonization.