Cantor's paradox

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Cantor's paradox

(Logic) logic the paradox derived from the supposition of an all-inclusive universal set, since every set has more subsets than members while every subset of such a universal set would be a member of it
[named after Georg Cantor (1845–1918), German mathematician, born in Russia]
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References in periodicals archive ?
Some paradoxes require the revision of their intuitive conception (Russell's paradox, Cantor's paradox), others depend on the inadmissibility of their description (Grelling's paradox), others show counterintuitive features of formal theories (Material implication paradox, Skolem Paradox), others are self-contradictory [Smarandache Paradox: "All is <A> the <Non-A> too!", where <A> is an attribute and <Non-A> its opposite; for example "All is possible the impossible too!" (Weisstein, 1998)].
Some paradoxes require the revision of their intuitive conception (Russell's paradox, Cantor's paradox), others depend on the inadmissibility of their description (Grelling's paradox), others show counter-intuitive features of formal theories (Material implication paradox, Skolem Paradox), others are self-contradictory--Smarandache Paradox: "All is <A> the <Non-A> too!", where <A> is an attribute and <Non-A> its opposite; for example "All is possible the impossible too!" (Weisstein, 1998 [2]).