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n. pl. bu·reaus or bu·reaux (-ōz)
1. A chest of drawers, especially a dresser for holding clothes.
2. Chiefly British A writing desk or writing table with drawers.
a. A government department or a subdivision of a department.
b. An office, usually of a large organization, that is responsible for a specific duty: a news bureau.
c. A business that offers information of a specified kind: a travel bureau.

[French, cloth cover for desks, desk, office, from Old French burel, woolen cloth, probably from Vulgar Latin *būra, from Late Latin burra, shaggy garment.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -reaus or -reaux (-rəʊz)
1. (Furniture) chiefly Brit a writing desk with pigeonholes, drawers, etc, against which the writing surface can be closed when not in use
2. (Furniture) US a chest of drawers
3. an office or agency, esp one providing services for the public
4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy)
a. a government department
b. a branch of a government department
[C17: from French: desk, office, originally: type of cloth used for covering desks and tables, from Old French burel, from Late Latin burra shaggy cloth]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈbyʊər oʊ)

n., pl. bu•reaus, bu•reaux (ˈbyʊər oʊz)
1. a chest of drawers, often with a mirror at the top.
2. a division of a government department or an independent administrative unit.
3. an office that collects and distributes information or performs specified services; agency.
4. Chiefly Brit. a writing desk with drawers for papers.
[1710–20; < French: desk, office, orig. a kind of cloth]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bureau - an administrative unit of governmentbureau - an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority"
administrative body, administrative unit - a unit with administrative responsibilities
executive agency - an agency of the executive branch of government
FDA, Food and Drug Administration - a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related products
CDC, Center for Disease Control and Prevention - a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services; located in Atlanta; investigates and diagnoses and tries to control or prevent diseases (especially new and unusual diseases)
Counterterrorist Center, CTC - an agency that helps the Director of Central Intelligence coordinate counterterrorist efforts in order to preempt and disrupt and defeat terrorist activities at the earliest possible stage
Nonproliferation Center, NPC - an agency that serves as the focal point for all Intelligence Community activities related to nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their missile delivery systems
Bureau of the Census, Census Bureau - the bureau of the Commerce Department responsible for taking the census; provides demographic information and analyses about the population of the United States
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA - an agency in the Department of Commerce that maps the oceans and conserves their living resources; predicts changes to the earth's environment; provides weather reports and forecasts floods and hurricanes and other natural disasters related to weather
National Climatic Data Center, NCDC - the part of NOAA that maintains the world's largest active archive of weather data
National Weather Service - the federal agency in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that is responsible for weather forecast and preparation of weather maps
Technology Administration - an agency in the Department of Commerce that works with United States industries to promote competitiveness and maximize the impact of technology on economic growth
National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST - an agency in the Technology Administration that makes measurements and sets standards as needed by industry or government programs
National Technical Information Service, NTIS - an agency in the Technology Administration that is a primary resource for government-funded scientific and technical and engineering and business related information
DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense; responsible for developing new surveillance technologies since 9/11
Department of Defense Laboratory System, LABLINK - a defense laboratory that provides essential services in fundamental science for national security and environmental protection and provides technologies that contribute to industrial competitiveness
Department of Energy Intelligence, DOEI - an agency that collects political and economic and technical information about energy matters and makes the Department of Energy's technical and analytical expertise available to other members of the Intelligence Community
PHS, United States Public Health Service - an agency that serves as the office of Surgeon General; includes agencies whose mission is to improve the public health
National Institutes of Health, NIH - an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services whose mission is to employ science in the pursuit of knowledge to improve human health; is the principal biomedical research agency of the federal government
BJA, Bureau of Justice Assistance - the bureau in the Department of Justice that assists local criminal justice systems to reduce or prevent crime and violence and drug abuse
BJS, Bureau of Justice Statistics - the agency in the Department of Justice that is the primary source of criminal justice statistics for federal and local policy makers
Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS - an agency in the Department of Justice that enforces laws and regulations for the admission of foreign-born persons to the United States
United States Border Patrol, US Border Patrol - the mobile law enforcement arm of the Immigration and Naturalization Service that detects and prevents illegal entry of aliens into the United States
Bureau of Diplomatic Security, DS - the bureau in the State Department that is responsible for the security of diplomats and embassies overseas
Foreign Service - the part of the State Department that supplies diplomats for the United States embassies and consulates around the world
Bureau of Intelligence and Research, INR - an agency that is the primary source in the State Department for interpretive analyses of global developments and focal point for policy issues and activities of the Intelligence Community
FWS, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service - an agency in the Department of the Interior that conserves and protects fish and wildlife and their habitats; assesses the environmental impact of pesticides and nuclear power site and hydroelectric dams and thermal pollution
2.bureau - furniture with drawers for keeping clothesbureau - furniture with drawers for keeping clothes
chiffonier, commode - a tall elegant chest of drawers
drawer - a boxlike container in a piece of furniture; made so as to slide in and out
article of furniture, furniture, piece of furniture - furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy; "they had too much furniture for the small apartment"; "there was only one piece of furniture in the room"
highboy, tallboy - a tall chest of drawers divided into two sections and supported on four legs
lowboy - a low chest or table with drawers and supported on four legs
shelf - a support that consists of a horizontal surface for holding objects
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. agency, company, business, service, concern, firm, operation, organization the foreign employment bureau
2. office, department, section, branch, station, unit, division, subdivision the paper's Washington bureau
3. desk, writing desk, writing table, secretaire, davenport A simple writing bureau sat in front of the window.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
دُرجمَكْتَبمِنْضَدَةُ كِتابَه
kancelářprádelníkpsací stůl
fiókos szekrény
biuraskomodarašomasis stalas
acentaaynalı şifonyerbüroyazı masası


A. N (bureaus or bureaux (pl)) [ˈbjʊərəʊz]
1. (= organization)
1.1. (= travel/employment agency) → agencia f, oficina f
1.2. (US) (= government department) → departamento m
see also federal
2. (= piece of furniture)
2.1. (Brit) (= desk) → buró m, escritorio m
2.2. (US) (= chest of drawers) → cómoda f
B. CPD bureau de change [ˌbjʊərəʊdəˈʃɒndʒ] Ncaja f de cambio
Bureau of Indian affairs N (US) → Departamento m de Asuntos Indios
bureau of standards N (US) → oficina f de pesos y medidas
La agencia del gobierno estadounidense denominada Bureau of Indian Affairs (Departamento de Asuntos Indios) se encarga de todos los asuntos relacionados con los indios nativos norteamericanos. Este organismo, fundado en 1824 como parte del Ministerio de Guerra, llevaba en un principio la gestión de las reservas indias. Hoy en día trabaja conjuntamente con los indios para tratar de mejorar su situación, elaborando programas de salud y bienestar social y dando facilidades para la educación y el empleo. Desde la década de los sesenta viene proporcionando también asistencia técnica y formación para que puedan gestionar sus tierras y recursos.
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈbjʊərəʊ] [bureaux] (pl) n
(British) (= writing desk) → bureau m, secrétaire m
(US) (= chest of drawers) → commode f
(= office) → bureau m, service m (gouvernemental)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(Brit: = desk) → Sekretär m
(US: = chest of drawers) → Kommode f
(= office)Büro nt
(= government department)Amt nt, → Behörde f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈbjʊərəʊ] n
a. (office) → ufficio, agenzia; (government department) → dipartimento, sezione f
b. (Brit) (desk) → secrétaire m inv, scrittoio (Am) (chest of drawers) → cassettone m
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈbjuərəu) plurals ˈbureaux (-z) ˈbureaus noun
1. a writing-desk with drawers.
2. (American) a chest of drawers.
3. an office for collecting and supplying information etc. a travel bureau.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
THE Chief of the Weather Bureau having predicted a fine day, a Thrifty Person hastened to lay in a large stock of umbrellas, which he exposed for sale on the sidewalk; but the weather remained clear, and nobody would buy.
When Michael Ivanovich returned to the study with the letter, the old prince, with spectacles on and a shade over his eyes, was sitting at his open bureau with screened candles, holding a paper in his outstretched hand, and in a somewhat dramatic attitude was reading his manuscript- his "Remarks" as he termed it- which was to be transmitted to the Emperor after his death.
"Oh, I put it back on the bureau. I hadn't it on a minute.
The first objects of furniture in the room which attracted her attention were an old bureau of carved oak, and a heavy buhl table with a cabinet attached.
Before they died the brilliant one was detected in seventy languages as the author of but two or three books of fiction and poetry, while the other was honoured in the Bureau of Statistics of his native land as the compiler of sixteen volumes of tabulated information relating to the domestic hog.
The table was flanked on one side by a gaudy bureau, manufactured for profit and not for service, the thin veneer of which was shed day by day.
Darya Alexandrovna, in a dressing jacket, and with her now scanty, once luxuriant and beautiful hair fastened up with hairpins on the nape of her neck, with a sunken, thin face and large, startled eyes, which looked prominent from the thinness of her face, was standing among a litter of all sorts of things scattered all over the room, before an open bureau, from which she was taking something.
The main article is a large writing-table with a fixed bureau. This bureau consists of a double column of drawers, with a central small cupboard between them.
It stood open, and just within was a sign: Bureau au premier.
He jerked forward the flask and Rigg went to a fine old oaken bureau with his keys.
I did not breathe freely until I had taken it upstairs and locked it in the bureau of my dressing-room.
Without looking at me, he snatched the candle from the table on which it stood by the bedside, and carried it to a bureau at the opposite side of the room.