Bureau system

See Bureaucracy.

See also: Bureau

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Some 30 banks and 40 NBCOs used the bureau system during the first 6 months of the current year.
Moreover, MP Muntaha Bou'ol took the podium, calling for raising salaries, reviewing the Civil Service Bureau system in terms of recruitment, prosecution of the corrupt and abolishing independent entities and amalgamating them with ministries in a bid to curb squandering of public money.
Steps are underway to allow the exchange of information between those government entities that are part of the Credit Reference Bureau system. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) The Cabinet approved a draft law concerning Bahrain's participation in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
The 12-percent VAT we paid on this transaction was made through the bank-to-customs bureau system.
Beijing/Hong Kong: Credit bureau system of China expanded rapidly along with the economy to become the largest in the world.
Around 9 pm, the Delhi's airport Immigration Bureau system reportedly crashed.
Clearly, given the reality that borrowers are still running into trouble by taking out too many loans and lenders have portfolios riddled with non-performing personal loans, the credit bureau system is not yet fully functioning nor fully effective.
After bringing to the market the credit bureau system with the possibility to require credit reports, PCB also developed value-added services.
Mr Janahi said a new credit bureau system will be introduced to more than 40 members in the second half.
The Bureau's pre-launch phase also included signing agreements with all UAE financial institutions for the submission of credit data to the Bureau, as well as securely connecting all UAE retail banks to the Al Etihad Credit Bureau system.
The technical workshops were attended by over 180 representatives from 42 UAE financial institutions with the primary focus to train credit and risk executives to effectively access and use the new Al Etihad Credit Bureau system, understand its technical functions, correctly interpret credit reports and explain the importance of maintaining a good credit rating to customers.
The primary focus of the workshops was to train credit and risk executives to effectively access and use the new Al Etihad Credit Bureau system, understand its technical functions and correctly interpret credit reports.
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