body check

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or body check  (bŏd′ē-chĕk′)
A check, as in ice hockey, in which a player impedes another with the body.

bod′y·check′ v.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

bod′y check`

Ice Hockey.
an obstructing or impeding with the body of the movement or progress of an opponent.
bod′y-check`, v.t., v.i.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Police said a body check on the suspect yielded more shabu, with the total illegal stuff seized from him amounting to PHP11,000.
'At first I thought the lady behind fell on my side, but I then realized that she managed to get behind me and that body check I felt actually came from the gorilla.
The check would include mechanical aspects (engine status and leakages if any), electrical aspects (electrical and computer diagnostics along with air-conditioner, lighting and computer or navigations systems) and full body check up.
During a body check, police found in the man's possession half a kilogram of cocaine and 1kg of cannabis.
Viral videos over the weekend showed the ACTS-OFW Party-list lone nominee seemingly bullying a security personnel at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) after the latter accosted him for refusing to remove his shoes during body check. The incident took place Saturday morning.
On the basis of these results, the EAT-L group had little motivation to body check and monitor their eating behavior, owing to indifference, whereas the EAT-M group cared about their body image in daily life, and the body-checking habit brought them reassurance and confidence.
(1) Furthermore, learning to body check in this age group provides limited protective effect when players graduate to the 13-14 year old age group (Bantam).
Indeed, nothing beats a full body check, but the developers believe that using the gadget will allow skipping nearly half of routine health checks.
Check, check and check (just don't body check him into a locker bank ...
About 30 minutes later, a person in charge of security checks informed a superior about having allowed someone who claimed to be a police officer to go through the security area without a body check, they said.
The 15-point check-up includes the inspection of -Wipers, Lamps, Power-Window System, Heating/Ventilation/ Air- Conditioning/Defogger System, Remote control Check for central lock, Mud Flap Alignment, Interior Check, Rust Check, Dents Check, Under- Body Check, Battery Terminals Check, 3 View Mirrors Check, Road Test, Tyre Check and Insurance Status Check.
The move ground to a halt after six phases of flowing rugby, only to be called back for a penalty awarded after a body check on Hogg moments earlier.