body cavity

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body cavity

1. See coelom.
2. Any of the cavities of the body that adjoin external orifices, such as the mouth or rectum.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

body cavity

(Anatomy) the internal cavity of any multicellular animal that contains the digestive tract, heart, kidneys, etc. In vertebrates it develops from the coelom
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
No matter the sex of the deer, make a small cut through the hide and abdominal muscle where the pelvis meets the body cavity. Using a gut hook, extend this cut up the middle of the belly to the sternum.
The fixed blade quickly slices through the hide, with the mechnlcal blades opening inside the body cavity for maximum blood loss.
"If someone chooses to visit a Virginia Department of Corrections inmate, he or she cannot have anything hidden inside a body cavity. There have been many instances in which visitors have attempted to smuggle drugs into our prisons by concealing those drugs in a body cavity, including the vagina."
10,058,396, titled "System and Apparatus for Insertion of an Instrument Into a Body Cavity for Performing a Surgical Procedure." The patent covers technology that advances the ease of use and positioning of robotic surgical systems, including single-port robotic surgical systems such as the company's SPORT Surgical System.
A cannula (a thin tube inserted into a vein or body cavity to administer medication, drain off fluid, or insert a surgical instrument) was inserted on hand.
During the security check at the Agartala Airport, the CISF personnel noticed the presence of metal in a body cavity of a passenger.
In this paper, the empirical equation obtained from the experiments was used to calculate the intensity of the light reduced by multiple factors in the black body cavity, and the crack depth was predicted using the intensity value of the crack.
Using digital 3-D scans of mounted skeletons (above), researchers estimated the body cavity volume in 126 species.
The hosts are ordinary but will these guests risk winning, given that their parting reward might then be an entirely coincidental body cavity search in a dungeon deep beneath Krasnador International Airport?
A woman who was subjected to unwarranted body cavity searches after crossing a Texas-Mexico border in 2012 has been awarded nearly half a million dollars by U.S.
They can also be injected into a body cavity, such as the bladder, or into the fluid around the spinal cord.