
Also found in: Acronyms.


dialect Northern English a fool
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Healthy controls scored significantly higher than patients on the SAT-MC, BLERT, Hinting Task, MSCEIT, SSPA the IRI-PT, QLS Total Score, and the neurocognitive composite of the MATRICS.
Attention was represented by the number of wrong answers on the CPT; memory by HVLT-R trial 1 and WMS-R Figural Memory; executive function by WCST categories correct and Gorham's Proverbs bizarreness score; and affect recognition by BLERT score.
We were inundated with your box office responses which were so good that we have created a special gallery of 11 of the best Mersey Movies In no particular order: 1) Arlene Finnigan @arleenfinnigan - Gangs of New Brighton 2) Carly-Marie @xcarly_mariex - Norris Green Mile 3) Michael Christie @MIKEJCHRISTIE - The Goodison, The Bad and the Ugly 4) Alma Tunney @AntiTunney - A Croxteth Orange 5) Chris Williams @chrisdwilliams - The R A Team 6) Chris M.E @O_Golf - Das Bootle 7) Lisa C @needswittyname - Greaty Expectations 8) Sean Robertson @SeanLXIV - Angela''s Knotty Ashes 9) Andrew F @THEANDREWF - The Sandhills Have Eyes 10) Paul Mc @myarse_lfc - The Blert Witch Project 11) Jacki Mills @jackiamills - Huyton Society
This only encouraged me to crank-up the Scouse and call him an "auld blert".
Some of my favourite Scouse, antwacky words (werds!) and phrases - queen (for the ladies), sound or sound as, better, boss, beaut, bladdered, bevvy, bifters, blert, nice one, on me toes or givin' it toes, strutting and jog on.
Naturally the link started with one head-the-ball who asks: "Who the f*** does this blert think he is slagging off the Kop?"