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(Plants) any of several species of semiparasitic scrophulariaceous plants, including red bartsia (Odontites verna), a pink-flowered weed of cornfields
[C18: New Latin, named after Johann Bartsch (died 1738), German botanist]
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Longer grass, in areas protected from grazing, is inhabited by the Alpine bartsia (Bartsia alpina), and the Alpine sow-thistle (Cicerbita alpina), the latter being confined to the glens of Angus.
Juncus trifidus, Bistorta vivipara, Poa alpina, Dryas octopetala, Bartsia alpina and Omalotheca supina manifest the highest association ability.
Hill (3) Orobanchaceae Bartsia jujuyensis Cabrera & Botta (9) Poaceae Anatherostipa brevis (Torres) Penailillo (4) Poaceae Aristida pubescens Caro & E.A.
The dunes are home to over 450 plant species, including 33 that are locally or regionally rare like petalwort, seaside centaury, yellow bartsia, round-leaved wintergreen, dune helleborine and pendulous flowered helleborine.
The dunes are home to over 450 plant species including 33 that are locally or regionally rare like petalwort, seaside centaury, yellow bartsia, round-leaved wintergreen, dune helleborine and pendulous flowered helleborine.
To determine whether gene transfer takes place in the opposite direction--from parasite to host--Palmer's team compared several genes from different species of the common weed genus Plantago with those in parasitic flower species of the Bartsia and Cuscuta genera.