

(Animals) a variant spelling of awhato
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In this same vein, Aweto and Igben (2003) say that the Urhobo are united not only by ties of ethnicity and culture but also by the salient geographical features of the territory they occupy as their homeland.
They are found mainly in the Delta State of Nigeria where they constitute the largest ethnic group (Aweto and Igben, 2003:11).
Autrici e autori: Giusi Ambrosio, Pauline Aweto, Fabrizio Battistelli, Sabrina Bettoni, Ilaria Boiano, Patrizia Cecconi, Francesca Declich, Laura Fano Morrissey, Marcello Flores, Marina Forti, Daria Frezza, Maria Grazia Galantino, Francesca Romana Koch, Flavia Lattanzi, Nicolette Mandarano, Paolina Massidda, Arin Milano, Valentina Muia, Monica Musri, Patrizia Salierno, Ozlem Tanrikulu, Gianni Tognoni, Vittoria Tola, Chiara Valentini.
Aweto, University of Lagos, Department of Physiotherapy, College of Medicine, PMB 12003, Idi-Araba, Lagos, Nigeria (e-mail:,
There is no time for the proper emotionfear, concern, aweto sink in as the action sometimes moves far too speedily.
Soil fertility, especially nitrogen level has been shown by Aweto (1981) and Tilman (1987) to influence plant species composition, abundance, dispersal and colonisation.
The slow succession could also be attributed to low rainfall unlike in tropical rainforest, where some plant communities have been observed to re-establish within three years of disturbance (Aweto, 1981).
Traditional herbal dietary supplements such as E Jiao, Lingzhi and Aweto are widely recognized by consumers in rural areas as traditional Chinese products benefiting overall well-being.
In Nigeria and elsewhere in the tropics, extensive studies have been carried out on many tree crops including cocoa (Ekanade 1985a, 195b, 1988), kola nut (Egbe 1977), Ekanade and Egbe, 1990); rubber (Pushiparajah 1969, 1977; Aweto, 1987); oil palm (Aweto and Ekuigbo, 1994, Ogidiolu 1995, 2000); cashew (Aweto and Isola, 1995).
However, the ferruginous nature of Ibadan soils (Aweto 1994) may account for the levels of iron which exceeded recommended limits for drinking water quality.
The decline in soil pH associated with changed land management may in part be attributed to the acidifying effects of nitrogenous fertilisers used in the growing of crops and the increased mineralisation of soil organic matter associated with land clearing (Rowell and Wild 1985; Aweto et al.