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a. The writer of a book, article, or other text.
b. One who practices writing as a profession.
2. One who writes or constructs an electronic document or system, such as a website.
3. An originator or creator, as of a theory or plan.
4. Author God.
tr.v. au·thored, au·thor·ing, au·thors
1. Usage Problem To write or be the author of (a published text).
2. To write or construct (an electronic document or system): authored the company's website.

[Alteration (influenced by authentic, authoritative, and other technical terms of Greek origin spelled with th) of Middle English auctour, autor, from Old French auctur, autor, from Latin auctor, creator, from auctus, past participle of augēre, to create; see aug- in Indo-European roots.]

au·thor′i·al (ô-thôr′ē-əl, ô-thŏr′-) adj.
Usage Note: The verb author has been criticized for its transitive use as an unnecessary or pretentious synonym of write, though note that it typically refers to the writing of material that has been published—and not to unpublished texts such as love letters or diaries. So the two words are not exact synonyms. The Usage Panel has tended to sympathize with the traditional view, but this sympathy has been slowly eroding over the decades. In 1964, 81 percent of the Panel found the verb unacceptable in writing. In our 1988 survey, 74 percent rejected it in the sentence He has authored a dozen books on the subject. In 2001, the proportion of Panelists who rejected this same sentence fell to 60 percent. · Journalists frequently use the verb author to apply to the creation or sponsoring of legislative acts, as in The senator authored a bill limiting uses of desert lands in California. In these cases the lawmaker may not have actually written the bill that bears his or her name but rather promoted its idea and passage. While the Panelists were a bit more tolerant of this legislative usage, the nays still have the slightest edge, with 51 percent rejecting the previously quoted sentence in 2001, down from 64 percent in 1988. This suggests that the verb will eventually be accepted by most people.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Computer Science) computing
a. the creation of documents, esp multimedia documents
b. (as modifier): an authoring tool.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈɔːθərɪŋ] n (COMPUTING) [web document] → réalisation f Web
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
San Jose, CA, December 17, 2011 --( Author-it Software Corporation (ASC) today announced the launch of Author-it Cloud, a major breakthrough for enterprise content authoring. Author-it is well known as the world's only end-to-end Enterprise Authoring Platform, and now the platform is available as Software as a Service (SaaS), "On-Demand" with Author-it Cloud.
The immediate economic benefits of the Author-it Cloud Enterprise Authoring Platform are just the start.
Author-it Software Corporation (ASC) is a world leader in enterprise software for authoring, content management, publishing, and localization.
The ultimate aim of this research is to specify and implement a general authoring framework for content and knowledge engineering for Intelligent Educational Systems (IES).
As authoring of IES is the subject of this article we take a closer look at their authoring aspects.
The authoring process implies the construction of applications in this IES format.
Many researchers in the field of educational systems have been focusing lately in the field of authoring systems and their improvement (Kiyama, Ishiuchi, Ikeda, Tsujimoto, & Fukuhara, 1997; Redfield, 1997; Vassileva, 1995).
In this way we can allow for a more structured and common approach in the authoring process, as well as supporting the automation of the authoring activities.
Our reference framework provides the functionality to bridge the gap between author and authoring system in two directions (in line with evolutions in the related research areas): managing the increased intelligence and the need for (conceptual) user-friendliness.
Authoring of IES is a process with an exponentially growing complexity and it requires many different types of knowledge and considering various constraints, requirements, and educational strategies (Nkambou, Gauthier, & Frasson, 1996).