authentic document

authentic document

A document bearing a signature or seal attesting that it is genuine and official. If it is an enemy document, it may have been prepared for purposes of deception and the accuracy of such document, even though authenticated, must be confirmed by other information, e.g., conditions of capture.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in classic literature ?
We were struck with the fact, that in all the mass of material of which the record is composed, there is hardly one authentic document. Nothing but a mass of typewriting, except the later notebooks of Mina and Seward and myself, and Van Helsing's memorandum.
But the author of this history, though he has devoted research and industry to the discovery of the deeds achieved by Don Quixote in his third sally, has been unable to obtain any information respecting them, at any rate derived from authentic documents; tradition has merely preserved in the memory of La Mancha the fact that Don Quixote, the third time he sallied forth from his home, betook himself to Saragossa, where he was present at some famous jousts which came off in that city, and that he had adventures there worthy of his valour and high intelligence.
The man was charged with using an authentic document in the name of others while his friend was accused of aiding and abetting him in the unlawful act.
Zubair was of the view that this was not a book only but also an authentic document on the role of the prominent Memon personalities and will apprise the younger generation of their contributions in various fields.
A swift copy is, in itself, an authentic document. I don't know why they are stalling this payment with such roundabout issues.
PAAPAM Chairman Mashood Ali Khan said that the Auto Development Policy (ADP) is the sole authentic document that governs the future policy for the auto sector.
It said the Auto Development Policy (ADP), issued by ECC on 21st March, 2016, is the sole authentic document that governs the future policy for the auto sector.
A spokesperson for the Fatah movement, which rules the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria, presented the Protocols of the Elder of Zion as an authentic document on PA television, the Palestinian Media Watch watchdog organization reported.
During the search operation, 21 suspects were nabbed while 144 motorbikes and seven cars were impounded at various police stations being driven without any authentic document. Islamabad police also held 13 professional alm-seekers and started legal action against them.
But some scenes are reconstructed: Orlow intentionally blurs the boundaries between authentic document and speculative reconstruction in order to make the question of the historical "place" of these events pressing and relevant to the media-saturated culture of today's world.
Resulting authentic document won't turn the world topsy-turvy, but "Upside" should come downstream with solid ancillary.
Now, the certificate issued by NASSCOM will serve as an authentic document in regard to the abilities of the candidates for the perusal of Industry/Departments.